Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Kill this ransomware before it attacks your computer

Thanks to the recent WannaCry ransomware that attracted wide attention, security professionals seem to have moved fast and identified what is claimed as a “Vaccine” for the Petya (a new version which some have called NotPetya) ransomware which is on … Continue reading

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If Bitcoin is legalized in India, the money supply will jump up by 50%. Are we ready to take the impact?

The task force on the Bitcoin formed by the Central Government is presently battling the lobbying pressure from ZebPay and other stake holders who want Bitcoin to be legalized in India and the contrarian voices of people like the undersigned and … Continue reading

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Banking Ombudsman Scheme Amended…and scope expanded

For quite some time the RBI’s Banking Ombudsman Scheme has been defunct since the scope of the scheme has been interpreted by the Ombudsman as very limited. In most cases, Ombudsman have the habit of not only rejecting the complaints … Continue reading

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National Crypto Currency is the way to go…. with an International Crypto Currency Regulatory Authority to be set up

It is good to note that the World view is slowly but surely tilting towards the adoption of Crypto Currencies which are managed by the regulators of the Fiat countries instead of the privately managed “Decentralized” and “Unregulated” Crypto Currencies … Continue reading

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The Bitcoin Battle…Will it be Modi Vs ZebPay?…like Kumble Vs Kohli?…who will win?

In the Kumble Vs Kohli fight, it was Kohli who came out as the immediate victor since BCCI accepted the principle that Coach is dispensable but not the Captain. BCCI upheld the principle that a Coach is only a PR … Continue reading

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Will the Government succumb to Zebpay PR pressure?

While the Government of India’s committee on Bitcoin regulation is in the process of evaluating the responses received on the MyGov site on whether Bitcoin is to be Banned or Regulated or Observed?, there have been a spate of articles … Continue reading

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