Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

This move on Amazon and Flipkart is a regressive taxation policy and Anti Consumer

A report in Economic Times today suggests that the IT Department of Bangalore has issued a notice to the E Commerce players Amazon and Flipkart that the customer discounts given by them should be considered as “Capital Expenditure” and not … Continue reading

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Misleading Article in Times of India on Mobile Pictures and CCTV footage as Evidence

Today, there was a misleading article published in Times of India titled “Mobile pics, videos may be allowed as evidence”. By implication it meant that so far it is not accepted as evidence. The article says that there is a … Continue reading

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Section 65B and its relation to the Theory of Soul and Body, rebirth and past life memory

I recently received a query about whether there is any case law which supports my view that even when a original memory card or CD is presented to the Court, a section 65B certificate is required. I would like to … Continue reading

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Uphold the “Right to Know” against “Right to Privacy” in the new Data Protection Law

As we enter the final stages of public consultation on the drafting of the new Data Protection Act of India following the release of the White Paper by the Justice Srikrishna Committee, one aspect of the law that needs attention … Continue reading

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Is Aadhaar controversy behind the Judicial uprising?

The 4 judges who held an unprecedented press conference which many agreed has tarnished the image of Judiciary in India stated that their “Irreconcilable disagreement with the CJI” was based on the allocation of cases to different benches which was … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Adds another security layer to frustrate “Benami” s.

It appears that UIDAI is in race with the Supreme Court to ensure that the Court does not take any decision to question the use of Aadhaar as it is presently planned. Aadhar has evoked a mixed response from the … Continue reading

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