Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit of ISMG at Bengaluru

Information Security Media Group a global organization managing several media assets  (Refer: organized a two day event at Taj Vivanta, Bengaluru titled Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit, starting today the 12th June 2018. It will conclude tomorrow. In a … Continue reading

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ITA 2000/8 will remain the supreme Data Protection Law of India

One of the confusions that is prevailing in the domain of Privacy and Data protection is whether the two terms “Privacy Protection” and “Data Protection” are same. A time has come to distinguish the two concepts since this confusion should … Continue reading

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Data Protection Professionals.. Don’t Get Sandwiched between the regulator and the boss

Data Protection Industry is closely related to the Information Security industry on the one hand and the Legal Compliance industry on the other hand. This industry includes of Data Controllers and Data Processors as envisaged in Data Protection laws such … Continue reading

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IADPP, a proposed organization for Data Protection Professionals

The concept of “Data Protection” has gained a larger than life importance in India in recent days with the advent of GDPR, impending advent of Indian Data Protection Act and the DISHA2018. Though GDPR is not directly applicable in India, … Continue reading

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GDPR should not be a license for “Masked Cyber Stone Pelters” to disturb global peace

The recent fight between ICANN with the German judiciary on what is the “legitimate interest” in ICANN collecting and making available to public the domain name registration details is an indication of the war that is going on between EU … Continue reading

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Will GDPR convert the entire Internet to Deepweb?… NIXI Has to wake up

The difficulties created by GDPR to the global business system has now escalated into a legal battle between ICANN and a German registrar regarding the implications of GDPR. A German Court has recently rejected a suit filed by ICANN against … Continue reading

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