Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Is Private Sector ignoring Virtual Aadhaar ID ?

On 10th January 2018, UIDAI issued a circular outlining the details of its proposed Virtual Aadhaar ID system along with the introduction of the “Limited KYC” system that does not return the Aadhaar number and only provides an “agency specific” … Continue reading

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Three days to go for mandatory use of Virtual Aadhaar ID… Who is ready?

In January this year, UIDAI had announced the introduction of the “Virtual Aadhaar ID” scheme to increase the security of the Aadhaar usage eco system. The introduction stumped the Anti-Aadhaar lobby who were roaring before the Supreme Court when the … Continue reading

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Certified Indian Data Protection Professional.. Made for India

The “Certified Indian Data Protection Professional” introduced by Cyber Law College envisages that professional working in India need to have a an Indian perspective when dealing with Data protection requirements. Presently, Privacy and Data Protection professionals are so focused on … Continue reading

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“Certified Indian Data Protection Professional” …from Cyber Law College

Cyber Law College has already been running three online video lessons based programs on namely a) Certified Cyber Law Professional b) Certified HIPAA Aware Professional c) Certified GDPR Aware Professional As and when Disha2018 and Indian Data Protection Act … Continue reading

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The Vast and Far Reaching Applications of Quantum Computing

At present date, Quantum Computing stands towards traditional computing like a horse did towards the Wright Brothers’ plane. The horse was much faster, but the plane could move in a tridimensional space. And we all know how the horse and … Continue reading

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The New Data Protection Law may be ready for debate

The announcement that justice B N Srikrishna may be assigned the work of an enquiry to Chanda Kochchar-Videocon loan issue, it was clear that his work in formulating the base draft of the Indian Data Protection Act was completed. Now … Continue reading

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