Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Certified Data Protection Professional Course to be accelerated

The Course on Certified  Data Protection Professional (CDPP) being conducted with virtual classes from Naavi  was planned to be conducted over 6 weeks with one session each on Saturday’s and Sundays starting from April 4th. In view of the lock … Continue reading

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Is Insurance Industry ready for PDPA?

On 7th February 2020, I attended a day long seminar in Hotel Trident, Mumbai organized by the National Insurance Academy Pune jointly with Swiss RE. The program titled “Digital Disruption..Embracing Digital Innovation in [RE] Insurance business” was a grand success … Continue reading

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PDPA Risk Insurance

India is in the threshold of a new legislation called Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA-2020). One of the most striking factors that this legislation represents is that organizations processing “Personal Data” in any form, including the Government departments will here-after  … Continue reading

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Today is Digital Society Day of India

Today is 17th October, a day of special significance  to all those who use internet and computers or mobiles in India. On this day in 2000, the Information  Technology  Act 2000 was notified.  This gave  legal recognition  to electronic  documents,  … Continue reading

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Welcome Kashmir to India

We welcome the historic decision to integrate Kashmir with India. This removes the 70 year old blot on India as a country. Incidentally, PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) will now apply to J&K as well as Ladakh also. It is … Continue reading

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Allahabad High Court trapped in another political PIL

We are aware that the innocuous MHA order on designating 10 agencies through which a competent authority can order interception of electronic communication for reasons of security of state etc., has already been questioned through two PILs in the Supreme … Continue reading

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