Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

What If I get a fake product in online purchase?

When we order an expensive device like a Mobile or laptop online and end up receiving a package containing stones as the above unfortunate gentleman is reported to have received, one wonders how to recover the loss. The E Commerce … Continue reading

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Zoom Rivals admit their concerns

In a clear admission of their concern of losing a business opportunity, rivals of Zoom like FaceBook, Google and CISCO have made statements about their latest attempts to improve their products and make it more user friendly. See article here … Continue reading

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Is Supreme Court obliging business interests in admitting the Zoom petition?

In a Public Interest Litigation, an advocate has filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking ban on Zoom . The petition seeks a direction that the Government has to ban the use not only for the use of the … Continue reading

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Back to Teaching ITA 2000 with a Cyber Jurisprudence perspective

After teaching Cyber Laws and ITA 2000 for a long long time, Naavi had moved his attention to teaching “Privacy and Data Protection” because that was the need of the hour. The market has however come around to realize while … Continue reading

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It has taken 20 years for the concept of virtual teaching to be accepted..

Naavi was the pioneer in Cyber Law Education in India. Cyber Law College itself was a concept ahead of its times and when it started its activities in July 2000 and launched first course in Cyber Laws in October 2000, … Continue reading

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New Course on Cyber Law from Naavi

Program conducted over interactive online session. Covers entire Information Technology Act along with the Cyber Jurisprudential analysis of the law, including Digital Signatures, Section 65B of Indian Evidence Act and Legal aspects of Information Security, Cyber Crimes in E Banking, … Continue reading

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