Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Regulation of Non Personal Data.. Recommendations of the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee-2

(This is a continuation of the previous article) The Kris Gopalakrishna Committee (KGC) considers that data is valuable and must be regulated in an appropriate manner for which a clear definition of Non-Personal Data (NPD) and the Key roles in … Continue reading

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Regulation of Non Personal Data.. Recommendations of the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee-1

The Kris Gopalakrishna Committee (KGC) has released its report on “Data Governance” which is available for public comments till August 13. The report is a rich collection of thoughts that need some churning before recommendations can be formulated. There are … Continue reading

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Why the Standard Contractual Clauses of GDPR are disturbing

Consequent to the EU Court’s decision to reject the US Privacy Shield, EU has expressed its lack of confidence in the US state to monitor the Privacy Shield without adversely affecting the Privacy rights of the EU Citizens. It has … Continue reading

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Twitter Hack highlights the need for Indian PDPA Provision on Social Media Intermediary

The great Twitter hack is a serious development in the Cyber Security scenario that has many implications. It has highlighted that the security of Twitter is not good enough for the level of its operations and the sensitivity of its … Continue reading

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EU Judgement on US Privacy Shield…Is this an assault on US sovereignty?

Ever since GDPR became effective on 25th May 2018, there has been a debate as to whether the earlier arrangement between US and EU for “Adequacy” status based on the 1995 directives would be considered as “adequate” under GDPR for … Continue reading

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Banning of China Applications..Article on India Legal

Article that appeared in India Legal Print magazine    

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