Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Data Protection Compliance in India enters a new era

When Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 (PDPB 2019) gets passed in the Parliament, companies will be scrambling to get on to the compliance band wagon. While there will be many job opportunities for Data Protection Officers (DPO) trained in data … Continue reading

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Conflicts in Personal Data Disclosures

Data in a company is an asset which creates value for the company. The business model of many companies is built on the concept of “Data as Raw Material” and “Processed data as finished product”. In between, there is “Data Under … Continue reading

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The Governance of Standards under PDPSI

(This is in continuation of the previous article)   The PDPSI works on three different levels. The core of PDPSI is the standards. The operating part is the implementation  specifications and the visible part is the DTS. The PDPSI Certifying … Continue reading

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The Standards under PDPSI

(Continued from the previous article) At present, PDPSI is built on 11 standards. We shall analyze what are the 11 standards that comprise of the PDPSI and the implementation specifications associated with it and how they relate to the “Certification” … Continue reading

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PDPSI Ecosystem

The National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) has issued the Health Data management policy which has been introduced over the previous series of articles. As per the document on the NDHM website, the Health Data Management Policy (HDMP) is the first … Continue reading

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Data Fiduciaries under NDHM

(This is a continuation of the previous Article) The Health Data Protection policy announced by NHD scheme has adopted the Obligations of data fiduciaries and rights of data principles from the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019. Accordingly the obligations include … Continue reading

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