Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

JPC comments beyond the Amendments-2: Implementation Schedule

In the PDPB 2018, a clear road map of implementation of the law had been provided. This had been removed in the PDPB 2019. However in the DPB 2021, the detailed implementation schedule has been suggested. This may be made … Continue reading

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JPC comments beyond the Amendments-1-Priority of law

The JPC report on PDPB 2019 contains 91 recommendations many of which are included in the main bill as amendments to PDPB 2019. The main amendments have been already discussed in several of our earlier articles. There are many small … Continue reading

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Clarifications from the JPC Chairman on DPA 2021

Since the release of the draft PDPB 2021, there have been many views expressed by different organizations and some of them are listed below: Comparing the Draft Data Protection Bill 2021 with its predecessors: Data Protection Bill: Hits and … Continue reading

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Anonymisation is like Encryption with a destroyed decryption key

If we follow the discussions around the DPA 2021, it appears that there is a confusion regarding the term “Anonymization” and its effect on Personal Data. It is strange that after so much of discussions on the GDPR and the … Continue reading

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Privacy and Data Protection Awareness Movement

Naavi has been in the forefront of creating awareness of Cyber Laws in India since 1998. Over the last two decades, has emerged as a treasure house of awareness about Cyber Laws. Additionally Naavi has promoted Cyber Law College … Continue reading

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PDPA 2021: The data breach notification regarding Non Personal Data

In the new version of PDPA 2021 (We can start calling this DPA 2021 from now onwards) that is replacing PDPB 2019 has indicated under Section 57 that “Obligation to take prompt and appropriate action in response to a data … Continue reading

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