Author Archives: 98410spice

Workshop on PDPA at Chennai

Cyber Society of India (CySi)  and Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India (FDPPI) have organzied a half day workshop on Personal Data Protection Act (Proposed law in India presently with the Parliamentary committee) on 14th March 2020. The program … Continue reading

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Proportionality Test Clarified by Supreme Court

In recent days a lot of discussion is centered around “Proportionality” when it comes to use of Government powers to either make laws or make regulations under the specific laws. It has become a tendency for politically motivated litigants to … Continue reading

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Privacy is not an Absolute Right.. Security is existential right

While criticizing the PDPA Bill, experts need to remember that despite what they may think, Privacy is not an absolute Right. The Privacy judgment of 24th August 2017 stated that “The right to privacy is protected as an intrinsic part … Continue reading

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“Yes..But” game indulged in by NGOs opposing PDPA

On 7th march 2020, Deccan Herald, Bangalore carried an article by the title “Data Protection or Surveillance”?. The online version of the article  included a powerful video presentation from the Center of Internet and Society(CIS). Earlier in another article the … Continue reading

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Supreme Court blesses Bitcoin which is better for Money Laundering than Painting

The recent Bollywood judgement on Bitcoin from the Supreme Court has given a fresh lease of life to Black Money in India. This is a set back for the efforts of Mr Modi to fight corruption and could be termed … Continue reading

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The Consortium of “PDPA opposing companies” puts Kris Gopalakrishna under radar

The Press release by the consortium of foreign companies including the Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook etc opposing several provisions of the proposed PDPA 2019, have thrown a googly at Mr Kris Gopalakrishna, the chairperson of the committee on Data … Continue reading

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