ATM Security.. How much is Bank responsible?

After the incident in which a Corporation Bank employee was assaulted in an ATM in Bangalore, there was some discussion on provision of additional security at ATMs. Police said that it was the responsibility of the Banks and Banks said they cannot afford to post guards at all ATMs.

Ultimately, banks started charging more for ATM transactions to cover the additional expense but did not provide any additional security….

……They cheated the public and RBI allowed them to cheat.

Now, an incident has been reported from the Electronic City which indicates that there is a mafia that is working to rob customers at ATMs. I reproduce the information posted by the victim in another forum for public information.

My son who is working in Infosys, Electronic City, Bangalore had a bitter experience on 20th Dec. His 2 friends had withdrawn cash and come out of ATM at midnight near electronic city after their shift is over. On their exit from the ATM, 3 rogues had intercepted them and snatched the money and costly smart phones. When my son went for their help, he was beaten. He had resisted and bounced back. All the 3 clashed with 3 robbers. One of them escaped and brought about 10 local rowdies to the spot immediately. My son and his another friend were kidnapped to a play ground at a secluded place and marred them. His head, face, hands, back, hip and all over the body were full of bruises and contusions. Both of them were unconscious for a long time. When another friend became conscious, he was able to move and get an auto to drop my son at his house without making any complaint to the Police.
My son and his friends are afraid to make a complaint to the Police, saying “the Police are hand in glove” and there would be of no use, except mental agony from the Police and further threat from the rowdies and robbers.
I informed the matter to my local friend at Bangalore and a Legal Person and requested to help. They also said the same thing is happening everyday and particularly the next day one Mr. Vinayak had experienced with the same incident. Govt. is not at taking steps to prevent these atrocities. Are these politicians running the Govt. like this? I wonder. Only God can punish these culprits, it seems.
Why I am posting this incident is, just to caution our people not to use ATM beyond 9 p.m. Because of the growing robbery and atrocities, the ATMs at the outskirts can be shut down between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. More over, whoever happens to move around at the midnight should not hold the costly smart phones.
It is unfortunate that law and order in Bangalore is deteriorating day by day.  We are aware of motorcycle borne chain snatchers roaming the city during the early mornings and now these ATM robbers in the evening. In between we have robbers posing as Police attacking people in Nice Road, not to talk of bag snatchers every where.
 I wish the Government does not allow the situation to further deteriorate and people start referring to Bangalore another jungle Rajya after Bihar.
At the same time, Bankers need to explain why there were no guards near the ATM referred to in the above incident and whether any CCTV footage has been captured. RBI should take immediate punitive action against the Bank owning this ATM for failing in its duty to provide security and causing the robbery.
Police should also file a case against the Bank for negligence in providing security at the ATM without taking refuge under the fact that no complaint has been filed.
If the Citizens feel insecure to approach the Police, it is a shame on the Police and not an omission on the part of the public.
Hope the Commissioner of Police is listening…

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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1 Response to ATM Security.. How much is Bank responsible?

  1. Sudheer says:

    The problem with banks is that they have stopped doing what they are supposed to do i.e, BANKING..!! though it may sound ironic, banks have increasingly becoming facilitators than service providers. In the case of ATM, Banks do not own ATM machines, they are out sourced from a third party, Banks do not remit money to ATM machines, it is out sourced to a third party, Banks do not maintain the facility where ATM machines are kept, It is outsourced to a third party, Banks do not own or maintain their own softwares, it is also outsourced to a third party.. In situations like these how can one bell the banking cat..?? I think a technology driven disruption is a must in banking sector and paperless money transfer infrastructure should be in place without delay

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