Are you Quantum Ready?

We are aware that Quantum Computing has been a technology development that has disturbed the Cyber Security community. The reason why the Cyber Security community is worried is that the enormous power of computing that is generated in quantum computing could be used to break cryptographic algorithms used for data security purpose in classical computing.

I donot think the security problems associated with Quantum entanglement or Quantum Interference have been explored enough but some work seems to be in progress for impact of Quantum computing on Cryptographic security arising due to the quantum property of “Super positioning”. It is recognized that encryption tools currently used to protect Banking and retail transactions and digital signatures may be rendered ineffective due to Quantum Attacks.

We are in 2024 end and a survey recently suggested that 78% of large US corporations expect Quantum computing to be in the mainstream by 203o. 73% of the respondents believe that Cyber Criminals will start using the power of quantum computing to decrypt and disrupt today’s cyber security protocols.

Long term security preparedness therefore has to factor in the possibility of Quantum risks in Cyber Security space. Some of the exfiltration attacks occurring now where encrypted files might have been stolen from sensitive organizations may be held by criminals for decryption on a later date when quantum tools are available. “Harvest Now-Decrypt Later” could be a strategy the criminals could be after. The risk is more in the case of data with a long life time value such as financial records, Government records and will be of interest to bad actors.

The risks could be evident in the use of Digital Signatures as well as for Crypto Currency holders.

Even in India where we are still struggling with finding the rules for DPDPA 2023 and the means to identify “Significant Data Fiduciaries”, corporations connected internationally are hearing the questions of “Are you Quantum Ready?”.

One may respond… I am not even Privacy Ready or Digital Signature ready but how can I be expected to be ready for the future risks?..but some organizations are being forced to ask for “Quantum Readiness Audit” and we the Audit community are posing a question to ourselves if we are “Quantum Audit Ready?”

As it always happens, thinks today what others start thinking tomorrow. Hence we start asking this question “Are we Quantum Ready” in terms of providing consultancy and audit directions to clients who may be thinking ahead of others.

We have in the past discussed the Quantum Computing and its impact in legal implementation of an evidence. Some of the earlier articles are given below. We have discussed Super positioning and Entanglement properties in detail but not the “Quantum Interference”. We shall fill up this gap soon. At the same time time has come to go beyond discussing the superficial aspects of Quantum Properties into the aspects of “Quantum Readiness Audit”.

Let us start our journey into expanding the horizon of our DGPSI audit to beyond AI into Quantum Computing Readiness Audit.

Previous Articles:

10th March 2018: Quantum Computing and Emerging Cyber Law Challenges…Are we ready?

16th March 2028: Section 65B in Quantum Computing Scenario

20th June 2018: The Vast and Far Reaching Applications of Quantum Computing

Also Read: Quantum Computing takes a step further

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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