Old Posts


Please use this search engine for searching through the site

(Prior to 12.12.12)

This word press site has been activated on 12.12.12. However, content on Naavi.org has been in existence since 1998.

Since the earlier part of naavi.org site cannot be entirely migrated to the word press at present, I am providing a link to the archives presently available on Naavi.org.

The earlier posts since 1999 are available here. :

Articles published earlier are available here

You can also search within postings made prior to 12.12.12, by going to http://www.naavi.org/index1.html  and use the search facility provided there.

The content on this site in a way tracks the evolution of the Cyber Law thinking in India. I invite students to undertake a research on the contents of this site and how the Cyber Laws have evolved over a time.

Many of the hyper links quoted on the articles may no longer work since those sites might have closed or changed their content. Naavi.org has outlived many of these sites and hence we need to accept the loss of some links as a part of the development. I hope the researchers would pardon me for the link failures.



3 Responses to Old Posts

  1. satish B K says:

    very informative sir..pl cointinue…

  2. Subir sharma says:

    Contents are highly useful.

  3. Your content was really informative .

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