Agenda for the new IT Minister


Mr Ravishankar Prasad

Minister of Communications and Information Technology



Dear Sir,

I would like to place before him an action agenda for immediate implementation. 

1. The Cyber Apppelate Tribunal (CAT) which is the apex Cyber Judiciary body supervising 28+adjudicators all over India has been kept dysfunctional since June 2011 by the previous regime without appointing a chair person. This has shut off Cyber Judiciary in India from all Cyber Crime Victims.

I would request the new Minister to attend to this immediately. 

2.In order to effectively handle the Cyber Judicial requirements across the country there is a need for 

a) Immediate training of Adjudicating officers (who are IT secretaries in different State Governments) 
b) Setting up of “Roving and Regional Adjudicating Officers” who hold sittings in different cities of a State or a group of states. 
c) Setting up one or more of separate Magisterial Courts for Cyber Crime trials in each State or Union Territory

3. Introduction of “Cyber Crime Insurance” as a mandatory provision for Net Banking and for addressing E Commerce and E Governance frauds . Must be made mandatory for new Banking licenses.

4. Review of National Cyber Security Policies and its implementation mechanism 

5. Making necessary changes in ITA 2008 for safer Internet use and prevention of misuse by Police and curbing genuine freedom of speech.

6. Providing “Digital Signature ID” for all citizens of the country so that they can undertake legally valid online interactions including participating in national referendum on key citizen issues, filing of online FIRs etc 

7. E Consumer Protection through appropriate amendment of ITA 2008 and setting up of a National Netizen Rights Commission. 

8. Setting up of National and State level online open schools.

9. Guaranteed Internet access to all under affordable cost 

Many of the above thoughts have been expanded by the undersigned some times on this site and otherwise on other resources.

Looking forward to some positive and quick action from your end.



About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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