Monthly Archives: September 2023

“End Now” Cyber Crime appeasement by negligence

Yesterday, Mr Anil Rachamalla, Founder of addressed the members of on Social Media Crimes and shard the details of the yeoman service he has been rendering to the community. I invite visitors to to check out … Continue reading

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Advent of Data Protection Education into IIM

The next frontier for Naavi and FDPPI Yesterday, (12th September 2023), Naavi brought Privacy and Data Protection to the Management Education in India starting a Credit Course with IIM U Just as KLE Law College, Bangalore became the first Law … Continue reading

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FedEx courier Fraud

In recent times several frauds involving extortion of money by threatening a person that a parcel containing contraband items in his name has been seized by police and action is imminent on the individual. They then offer to help and … Continue reading

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Get Ready to be a Certified DPO and Data Auditor from FDPPI/Cyber Law College

Naavi’s Cyber Law College has just completed the first batch of CDPP-Module I as a 4 day week twelve hour program. The program is a one of its kind program which combined Privacy and Data Protection from DPDPA 2023 as … Continue reading

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Personal Data Processed by Automobile Pollution Control Certification Agents

Yesterday I took my vehicle for a Pollution control certificate to one agent X. I had not used him on earlier occasions and had been getting such certificates with others. The moment he read my number plate on the computer, … Continue reading

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