Monthly Archives: February 2023

Request lodged to SEC to conduct enquiry against Hindenburg firm for investment fraud

PS: This post is not related to the area of Cyber Law or Data Privacy which is the professional activity of Naavi. It is linked to the national interest of India and to Information Warfare issues. I donot subscribe to … Continue reading

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10 years after Naavi’s suggestion, “Data Embassy” concept is accepted by the Government !

In 2013, Naavi had suggested a concept titled “Privacy Protection Zones” as a solution to India not having a Privacy Law but wanting to retain the data processing business. In 2015, Naavi highlighted this need along with other requirements  for … Continue reading

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“Make AI in India and Make AI work for India”… Beware of takeover by the Anti-India brigade

The budget speech of the Finance Minister Mrs Nirmala Seetaraman yesterday highlighted a project investment proposal to create three centers of excellence for Artificial Intelligence to be established in leading educational institutions to realize the objective of “Make AI in … Continue reading

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An AI to detect an AI

It is a common idiom to say “Set a thief to catch a thief”. A modified version of this phrase in the ChatGPT era is “Set AI to Catch AI”.  is the new tool that has emerged to detect … Continue reading

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Can DPDPB 2022 be a “Unified” law for regulating AI and MetaVerse ?

DPDPB 2022 is a bill that is expected to come for discussion in the current Budget Session. According to Section 11.1 of the Bill, The Central Government may notify any Data Fiduciary or class of Data Fiduciaries as Significant Data … Continue reading

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