Daily Archives: August 6, 2022

Shape of Things to Come…The New Data Protection Act of India NDPAI…2 (Preamble)

[This is a continuation of the previous article in the series] P.S: We are aware that the suggestions made in this series of articles could be completely ignored by the Government which says that it already has a draft in … Continue reading

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There is no Vacuum in Data Protection law in India… Section 43A of ITA 2000 now comes to the fore

With the withdrawal of the PDPB 2019, some parts of the industry feel relieved, some are feeling Déjà vu. Some feel that the dreaded law will never come back. It is no doubt a disappointment and loss of momentum for those … Continue reading

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The Shape of Things to Come…The New Data Protection Act of India-1 (The Beginning)

(This is a continuation of the earlier article in which the framework of the New Data Protection Act of India -NPDAI was discussed) We expect that soon Government will release a draft of  a “Personal Data Protection Act” in lieu … Continue reading

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The Journey to a New Data Protection Act of India (NDPAI)-Shape of things to come

With the Government of India withdrawing the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019  with a ministerial assurance that the new draft for a “Comprehensive Perfect”, “Digital India Act” which could replace Information Technology Act 2000, PDPB 2019 as well as “Telegraph … Continue reading

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