Monthly Archives: July 2020

Data Governance Regulator may be designated by the Kris Gopalakrishna committee

According to a report in Business Standard  the Kris Goplakrishna Committee has submitted its report on “Data Governance” to the Government. One of the recommended regulations that has been leaked appears to be for setting up of a new regulator … Continue reading

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Virtual Meetings for Data Protection JPC should be considered.

It appears that the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 is stuck with the Covid lock down of the Parliamentary activities. According to a report from Media Nama sources , there is a technical objection to use of “Virtual meetings of … Continue reading

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Differential Privacy and PDPA 2020

The proposed Indian Data Protection Act (PDPA 2020) refers to “Personal Data”,  “Anonymization”  and “De-identification/Pseudonymization”. Anonymisation is defined as an “Irreversible” process of transforming the personally identifiable data to a form where the identity is irreversibly removed. Anonymization frees the … Continue reading

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Atma Nirbhar in Data Protection… PDPSI will be the PDPA specific Implementation framework

While in India, the Personal Data Protection Act of India  (PDPA 2020) is awaiting clearance of the Parliament, Being compliant with the Personal Data Protection law has become the top of the mind concern for most corporate managers. Some ultra … Continue reading

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Single Instance Storage of Personal Data

In meeting with the Compliance requirements under the different Data protection regulations, organizations face one huge challenge which is to protect the Data subject’s rights of “Portability” and “Erasure” or “Right to Forget”. The problem arises because in the current … Continue reading

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The First Bold Step towards disrupting an established system is always a challenge

Often in our professional career, we get into a conflict between what we believe is correct and what is happening around us. A large number of professionals in whom the “Fear of Failure” dominate, tend to avoid opening out with … Continue reading

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