Monthly Archives: May 2019

Unfinished Agenda of Modi 1.0

There is a big relief for people like us that Mr Modi is back. The relief is more because the alternative was a sure recipe for disaster. But we the people of India are not content with the relief. We … Continue reading

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Dark Web… The Need to Regulate

Dark web is an aberration in the world of technology.It is a tragedy that Dark Web has spoiled the beauty of a concept called Internet.  Most security people talk of the impossibility of regulating the dark web. But just because … Continue reading

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First Anniversary of GDPR. What is the task ahead for the second year?

Today is 25th May 2019, an year after the GDPR came into effect. During this one year, Indian Companies and the professionals in the Data Protection domain have discussed the impact of GDPR in great detail. When we started the … Continue reading

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What the Opposition may do tomorrow in the EVM controversy

We have time and again stated what we think is the correct legal position as regards the controversy raised by the opposition regarding the VVPATs. The Supreme Court could have avoided the current problem by ruling in the first place … Continue reading

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Mismatch of EVM and VVPAT

The opposition parties aggrieved by the exit poll results are raking up an issue with the EC regarding what needs to be done when there is a mismatch between the VVPAT counting and the EVM records. The Supreme Court which … Continue reading

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4-D Secure protocol for Online security… Attention NPCI has been in the forefront of discussions on Cyber Crimes, Data Security, Compliance requirements etc. The objective of all this is to ensure that “Digital India” does not suffer from the lack of security that is in the DNA … Continue reading

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