Monthly Archives: August 2017

Good Wishes on the Indian Independence Day

I wish at least after 70 years, we move towards an Independent India where every type of discrimination and bias in Law and Governance such as based on Religion, Caste, Language, Gender, State etc in  are removed and there is … Continue reading

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TRAI Consultation Paper on Privacy

TRAI has released a consultation paper on Privacy for comments from Stake holders. A Copy of the Consultation paper is available here:  Comments from stake holders have been invited by 8th September 2017 and counter comments can be submitted by … Continue reading

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Ad Blocking, Privacy Rights, Computer Contaminants, Spamming and Cyber Laws in India

India is presently in the process of re-writing some of the Cyber laws regarding a) Privacy… through the Supreme Court’s view on whether Privacy is a Fundamental Right? b) Data Protection Act under drafting c) Health Data Privacy Act under … Continue reading

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Court in Puri debates Section 65B (IEA) and Section 79A (ITA2000)

The Court of the Sub-divisional Judicial magistrate Puri, in its judgement dated 4th August 2017 has come up with some interesting observations on  Section 65B of Indian Evidence Act and Section 79A of ITA 2000/8 that needs to be taken … Continue reading

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Calling Attention of Dr Ponnuswamy Venugopal- AIADMK MP- on Proposed Amendment to Indian Registration Act 1908

I call for the Attention of our honourable member of Parliament, Dr P.Venugopal, a Loksabha member of AIADMK from Thiruvalluvar Constitutency.  Dr Venugopal is the Chairman of the “Standing Committee” which gave recommendations on the amendments to Indian Registration Act 1908 … Continue reading

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Banks are silent on Zero Liability on Frauds.. What is RBI doing?

On July 6th 2017, RBI after 10 months of thinking, released the official confirmation of the “Zero Liability Circular”. had urged the banks to go for a “Competitive Compliance Drive” and initiate measures to implement the provisions of the circular. … Continue reading

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