Monthly Archives: December 2013
Naavi speaks on Bitcoin at Bloomberg TV
Here is an interview of Naavi at Bloomberg TV today on Bitcoin. Naavi expresses his opinion that India failed to negotiate for adequate number of IPV4 addresses when they were initially distributed and they should not do the same mistake … Continue reading
Bitcoin Regulation.. Where should the focus be?
We have been watching Bitcoin exchange rates growing exponentially at MtGox attracting the attention of regulators both from the point of view of the possible effect on the monetary controls of the Sovereign States and loss of Tax revenue besides … Continue reading
54 crypto currencies?
According to a recent report the number of Crypto currencies presently available is arond 54 and not 10 as was hitherto thought. Refer article Since the Bitcoin protocol is an open source protocol, it is possible for clones to be … Continue reading
Beware of virus riding on Bitcoin
With the exploding interest developing in India on the Bitcoin, the malware writers will be looking at every possibility of using the bitcoin craze to spread viruses and trojans. Already, spam mails appear to be in circulation trying to entice … Continue reading
China Loves it…Thailand hates it.. The Bitcoin saga continues
With the Bitcoin currency value touching US$1200 and dropping to $800 before settling at $1005 within three days, the Bitcoin has continued to capture the global attention of different kinds of people. Regulators in particular are getting nervous about how … Continue reading
Bitcoin miner bundled with other software
Malwarebytes has reported that in some of the softwares identified as Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) they have identified the presence of a Bitcoin miner. The program was identified initially in a process identified as jh1d.exe and a variant jh1c.exe and … Continue reading