Monthly Archives: May 2013

Modus Operandi of the Great E-Bank Robbery

The recent Banking Fraud where US $45 million (Rs 250 crores) were withdrawn in cash across 27 countries was a sensational international cyber crime that warrants a serious analysis by all Cyber Crime and Cyber Security experts. What is intriguing … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI | 1 Comment

Was Infosys sofware responsible for the losses of the UAE Bank?

Today’s Economic Times carried a story (See report) highlighting that the UAE Bank which was involved in the US $ 45 million global heist was using Finacle Software from Infosys. The fraud was actually committed by the hacking of the system maintaining the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Bank Muscat suffers $39 M loss

Hacking of a Credit Card payment processing service provider in Bangalore has reportedly caused compromise of sensitive customer data for a Muscat Bank resulting in a loss of US$39 million. The Bank has claimed that no customer has suffered a … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | 2 Comments

M S Dhoni in legal trouble

Indian Cricket Captain Mr M.S.Dhoni has been caught in a serious controversy related to an advertisement where Dhoni has modelled himself as Lord Vishnu and holding several products in his hand  including a shoe in one of his hands. A … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Drawing the attention of SEBI on Karvy Consultants

Karvy Consultants is one of the prominent share registrars in the country besides engaging themselves in trading and demat services. It is good if such a prominent registrar is serious about the legal responsibilities such as the requirement of KYC … Continue reading

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Karnataka Human Rights Commission forces reopening of Adjudication in the State

Karnataka State Human Rights Commission has done a yeomen service to the Cyber Crime victims of Karnataka by facilitating the reopening of the Adjdudication under ITA 2008 in the State. It may be recalled that the IT Secretary of a … Continue reading

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