Monthly Archives: December 2012

GOI to file Reply on CAT Chairperson appointment in Karnataka High Court

Dec 3: The PIL regarding the non appointment of the Chair person for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT), in New Delhi was heard in Karnataka High Court today. The PIL filed by an advocate Sri Chaitanya has alleged that the non appointment … Continue reading

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Julian Assange on Internet Freedom

Dec 3: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange speaks of how an infrastructure for total control of Internet is already in place and is beig also used partially. … Details

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PATCO Case: Bank’s Liability for Frauds

Dec 3: Naavi has been personally fighting several Bank fraud cases on behalf of victim customers. This struggle has been temporarily blocked because the Government of India has failed to appoint the chairperson for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT) since June 2011 … Continue reading

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Compliance of Section 43A in a Corporate Environment

Dec 2:  Here is a brief guideline which companies may try to folllow to work towards compliance of Sec 43A-ITA 2008  requirements as a part of their Information Assurance Plan. …Details

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TELCOs are responsible to counter Chinese Threat

Dec 2: An US intelliegence report recently advised that “American companies and its government should avoid doing business with China’s two leading technology firms, Huawei and ZTE, because they pose a national security threat to the US”. Copy of the report After … Continue reading

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CRAC Meeting Official Press Release

Dec 2: The meeting of the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee held on November 29, 2012 was a historic event since it was the first time that the committee met since ITA 2000 came into effect. According to the act, CRAC deliberation … Continue reading

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