Virtual Seminar on Data Protection

Naavi has through FDPPI indicated its intention of undertaking a large scale “Data Protection Awareness Program in India” through education programs built around the core concept of “Data Protection”.

One of the first programs taking this concept ahead was conducted in the form of the Virtual Seminar with GK Law College yesterday and will continue today.

This program was organized in  collaboration with the GK Law College Hubballi, which is part of the educational conglommerate namely the KLE Society.

KLE Group of educational institutions has in the past collaborated with Naavi in spreading the knowledge of Cyber Laws in India and the first program titled “Certificate in Cyber Law by Cyber Law College in association with ……” started in collaboration with KLE Law College, Bangalore (Now called Bengaluru).  It then spread to GK Law College in Hubli (now called Hubballi), SDM Law College, Mangalore and JSS Law College, Mangalore.

Now KLE has again become instrumental in the current generation of knowledge dissemination, this time on Personal Data Protection.

FDPPI is proud to be associated with this prominent educational institution in Karnanataka which has over 100 years of service to the society behind it and over 265 different institutions in its educational fold.

The Virtual Seminar was organized by GK Law College, Hubballi on “Cyber Security and Data Protection” in association with FDPPI as the knowledge partner. The program was inaugurated by the Commissioner of Hubballi and Dharwar, Sri R.Dileep, IPS  and Naavi delivered the Key Note Address.

The program was well attended by not only people from Hubbali but from the rest of India and even abroad. It was also live broadcast on Youtube.

We feel that this would be a trend setter in the Jnaana Jyothi program  concept undertaken by FDPPI.

A Link to the key note address delivered by Naavi on the occassion is available here:


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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