10 years after Naavi’s suggestion, “Data Embassy” concept is accepted by the Government !

In 2013, Naavi had suggested a concept titled “Privacy Protection Zones” as a solution to India not having a Privacy Law but wanting to retain the data processing business.

In 2015, Naavi highlighted this need along with other requirements  for Digital India in a Cyber Law Vision 2018 document.

Subsequently, in 2017, the proposal was re-iterated in the context of a discussion on Data Localization in a conclave in Delhi.

Then in 2020, Naavi again pushed the idea directly to the IT Minister and CM of Karnataka at a time.

Unfortunately, all these suggestions were not acted upon for reasons not known.

The details of these suggestions are available in following documents

  1. Article in Naavi.org dated February 9 2013 titled “Privacy Protected Zones Required”
  2. An article published on Naavi.org on May 4 2015 titled “Cyber Law Vision 2018”
  3.  An article published on Naavi.org on July 16, 2017 titled “Data is Experience”…How Do we confine it?, in which the earlier discussions in a conclave in Delhi on July 14/15 was highlighted.
  4. Then on November 8, 2020, sent a letter to the IT Minister in Karnataka, under copy to the CM of Karnataka as well as Mr Tejasvi Surya, MP specifically suggesting formation of a “Data Protection Tech Zone” in Karnataka. (Copy available here)

But I am happy  to note that today’s Economic Times carries an article indicating that the Government of India is considering  a similar proposition  along with the DPDPB 2022 to be presented in the Parliament shortly.

As per the indications provided, the entities may be called “Data Embassies” which will be provided diplomatic  immunity from local regulations.

We need to await more details when the Bill is presented in the Parliament.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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