Let's Build a Responsible Cyber Society

Data Protection Act..Time to Debate



From the indications that emanate from the Ministry of Information and Technology, as well as the industry circles, it appears that a strong move to introduce a legislation for "Electronic Data Protection" is on the cards. Perhaps this could be one of the significant legislative measures that would affect the Indian Cyber Space in 2005. It is time for us to debate What should be the objectives of such a legislation?, What kind of "Data" needs to be protected?, How should the data be protected?, What kind of punishments should be envisaged? etc.

Praveen Dalal, the Delhi based Advocate explores the necessity and mode of protection of the information, details and data of individuals and organisations under the laws of India. This will be followed by other articles in the series.

See the Article : The Needs and Modes of Data Protection, by Praveen Dalal

[This article is in continuation of the earlier article Data Protection Law in India: A Constitutional Perspective


January 1, 2005


Related Articles:

Data Protection Laws in India..May 25, 2002

Digital Intrusion of Privacy..March 7, 2004

Data Protection Act..The Pros and Cons..August 4..2004

Data Protection Legislation in India..August 26, 2004

US Video Voyeurism Bill Goes for President's Signature..December 16, 2004

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