Naavi wants a Volunteer to steer



Amongst the many activities of Naavi, driving the Cyber Democracy concept through has also been one. The objective of the site is to build a community of netizens in India who would register themselves as members eventually in a legally acceptable manner using digital signatures and then make them participate in any legislative process as a group representing the people on the Internet.

The objective inter-alia also overlaps on the Freedom of Speech issues and Privacy issues of the Netizens.

Naavi has recently been appointed as a member of an working group on Cyber Laws and Cyber Forensics and is already deeply involved in the training of Police agains Laws and Cyber Forensics and is already deeply involved in the training of Police against Cyber Crimes and related issues.

In the light of these responsibilities, it is considered appropriate that a person who is not burdened by the dual responsibilities and is otherwise concerned with the rights of the Netizens can help Naavi is coordinating the proposed dream of building the Cyber Community of Netizens under

Interested persons who would like to coordinate the activities may contact Naavi. Initially, I propose that they will be pooled into an editorial committee and given access to the website so that they can keep the movement alive and probably take it forward through their own efforts.

Any suggestions in this regard are welcome at


November 28, 2002

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