Regulation of Cyber Cafe's

It is reported that a Public interest litigation has been filed in Delhi, India, calling for the Government to draft  a new regulation of Cyber cafes. 

As per early reports, the PIL is said to state that "Cyber Cafe's are too easily accessible by children who are prone to be drawn into Pornography, Gambling and Bomb making etc." It appears that the PIL calls for amongst other things , "Licensing" of Cyber cafes.

For some time has been highlighting the problems that the Cyber cafes have been undergoing due to the wrong interpretation of the current laws itself. The call for new laws may come as music to the ears of some "Pro Regulation"  conservatives while it may look alarming for the libertarians.

To be on record, it is of course possible for the young minds to be corrupted with the vast information that is available on the Internet which includes Pornography, Bomb making and Gambling. 

The point under discussion is however, whether "Regulation" is the  solution and whether "Regulation" will be more harmful to the society.

Even in the developed American society, a lot of discussion has been going on on the need to protect Children through legislation. It is therefore not un natural that the demand has come in India too.

It is however necessary for the public to know one thing. Once a "Regulation" is in place, it will be very difficult to remove it later on. There will be too many vested interests who will only work towards further increasing the controls than reducing them. Soon we will have a "License Raj" for Cyber cafes firmly in place. It will render the business of Cyber cafes too difficult for honest simpletons to run. It will be another business which will require greasing the palms of local chieftains. Such business can only be run by hardened business men who are comfortable in managing such local politicians and thugs. Once such people take control of Cyber cafes, they are likely to take advantage of the protection they may get from their local leaders and use the Cafe for doing things which they are regulated not to do.

The proposed regulation is therefore likely to have exactly the opposite effect of what it is expected to do.

Secondly, if it is a question of viewing pornographic sites, it is possible for the Cyber cafes to have some filters to block the sites and also keep a few computers separated from the rest so that some supervision can be exercised by the cafe manager. But the question of sites which may have objectionable material would be too difficult to filter.

However, the question of anti social activities such as "Bomb making" etc. could be of interest to adults more than the children and unless the concept of Cyber cafe is itself killed, one cannot eliminate the possibilities of misuse of information available on the net.

There is however scope for "Self Regulation" by Cyber cafes and I have myself come across many Cyber cafe owners who in the recent times have been asking me how to keep their Cyber cafe image clean. I have been suggesting several measures in this regard including 
1. Maintenance of a log register to identify who accessed a particular machine at a particular time.
2. Displaying a public notice about the responsibilities of Netizens and need to avoid Cyber Crimes such as Hacking, Virus contamination and Distribution of obscene material.

I have also suggested that the public can through a NGO maintain a vigil on cyber cafes (Please see the details here (Citizen's Watchdog Committee Proposal).

The Cyber cafe owners through their associations have to immediately get together and intervene in the PIL as an affected party. Otherwise it will be too late. In such pleadings they should be ready to set up a "Self Regulatory Body" and take care of the concerns of the society and convince the judiciary that further regulation will be unnecessary and counter productive. 

I request interested Cyber cafe owners to contact me immediately in this regard. I also request those who have a view in this regard to send me their views. Silence at a time when you need to speak up may result in more regulations about which we may have to regret later.

Citizen's Watchdog Committee Proposal

The Beyond Control debate at Oxford  University

Do readers have a views on this? or suggestions?. If so, Your views can be sent here

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