A One day workshop at Bangalore on April 22, 2005
Indian Patent Bill Amended
The recent passing of the Indian Patents Amendment has made it necessary to debate some of the modifications that have been made to the earlier Act ostensibly to make it Trips Compliant. It has also removed some of the provisions of Software Patents which were prevalent in the Ordinance. In view of the importance of the changes, I invite articles on this subject from informed readers so that the provisions can be explained for the use of the public.
Cyber Cafe owners arrested for net telephony offence
Two persons running a Cyber Cafe have been arrested in Baroda for alleged assistance in running an illegal telephone exchange system through internet. Details in Ahmedabad Newsline
Investigation ordered against India TV
In an interesting twist to the India TV's sting operations on the relationship between politicians and Sex workers, a Case has been filed on the Channel for violation of Section 67 of ITA-2000 as well as "fabrication of Video" which may fall under Section 66 of ITA-2000. A Delhi Court is reportedly asked to Police to investigate the complaint under several sections of IPC and ITA-2000......Report in IE
National Seminar on IPR held at Mangalore
A National seminar in IPR was held at Mangalore University on 28th and 29th March under the Department of Mass Communications and Journalism. Naavi participated in the programme and spoke on Cyber Laws and its impact on the Digital Media players.
Cyber Law College to Promote Digital Signature Use
In a bid to increase the use of Digital Signatures by the public, Cyber Law College will hence forth be providing a complimentary Class I Digital Certificate of a licensed Certifying authority to all students who register for the Certificate Course in Techno Legal Security as well as as "Provisional CyLawCom Examiners".
This would be yet another measure taken by Naavi and Cyber Law College in promoting a Responsible Cyber Society. Though the Digital Signature system was introduced in India five years back, it is felt that the usage has not picked up for various reasons such as lack of awareness, uneconomical pricing and lack of necessary applications.
While Cyber Law College and Naavi has already been contributing to the creation of awareness of the need for the use of Digital Signatures through its educational programmes and awareness lectures, with the recent effort to subsidize the cost of acquisition of the Certificate to certain users associated with Cyber Law College is an effort to make it more affordable. Cyber Law College is also trying to get certain new applications developed for the use of Digital Signatures by Netizens which will be made available as soon as possible through naavi.org.
Patents Bill passed...Embedded Software Not Patentable
An amended version of the Patent Bill passed has kept Software in embedded form also out of the purview of patent in India...More in FE, ET
Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement
Cyber Law College has undertaken a series of programmes to increase the awareness of Cyber Law in Karnataka. The programme called "Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement (KLAM) ("karnaataka saibar kaanUnu prajnaaMdOLana") started with the publishing of the Kannada book on Cyber Crimes "Antarjaala AparaadhagaLu" and extended to creation of a Kannada website www.naavika.org. This has lead the way to create content in Kannada relevant to Cyber Laws.
Additionally, Naavi has been focussing on increasing the awareness of Cyber Laws in the Law Teacher Community by participating in a series of Seminars across the State. Already Naavi has addressed Law College Lecturers in Hubli and Hassan. Programmes in Mangalore and Mysore for similar audience are being planned before the end of this month and in Bangalore during the next month and in Davanagere a little later. Discussions with Police personnel in some places in Karnataka is also being planned.
These are being followed by Corporate seminars as well as workshops for Cyber Cafes.
Presently, the programme is being handled entirely by Cyber Law College without any assistance from either the Government of Karnataka or the Ministry of Information Technology, though their attention has been drawn to the programme.
In case the Government of Karnataka responds to the programme, the programme will be extended to High School Students and Government Officials in the form of a Certification Examination.
The objective of this programme is to make Karnataka the most Cyber Law Aware state in India in pursuance of the WSIS directive principles.
Comments,Views and participation in the programme are welcome...Naavi
Role of Information Technology in Alternative Dispute RedressalInformation technology provides opportunities to facilitate communication and play a valuable role in supporting the quality of ADR practice through more effective information management. Mr Jasper a practicing advocate from Delhi makes an attempt in this paper to analyse the utility of Information Technology in the working of Alternative Dispute Redressal Forums...Article
Cyber Matrimony
In recent days several questions have been raised on whether a marriage can be conceived through the Internet. There was even a complaint lodged in Chennai by a person claiming a Cyber marriage and subsequent frustration of the marriage by the parents of the girl. Praveen Dalal, the Delhi based advocate provides his reasoned views on the subject of Cyber Matrimony in this article. Comments are welcome.
Employees Arrested for Stealing Product Design
In an interesting case in Chennai, two senior employees of a manufacturing Company were arrested on a complaint of stealing of a product design. It is alleged that the employees who were part of the R&D set up and involved in New product development had set up a Company of their own and produced a product originally designed at the Company. This could be a case of Cyber Crime involving infringement of intellectual property rights. Details in Hindu .. IE
47000 Cyber Cafes closed in China
Regulatory pressure is reported to have forced more than 47000 Net Cafes in China to close down their business. China which the worlds's second largest Netizen populated Country with nearly 100 million Net users, has adopted a strict censorship policy to regulate the Net usage. This consists of blocking of websites, monitoring and blocking of search engine activities based on sensitive Key words, holding intermediaries responsible for content and stringent punishment for violations. If India is not to drift in the Chinese direction, industry has to wake up and start showing some voluntary measures at complying with law. This alone can step down the pace of regulatory controls and maintain the relative freedom that one enjoys on the Internet....Related Story in bbc.co.uk
Private Defence in Cyber Space
The Concept of the right of private defence against possible loss or injury has evoked a debate in the context of use of technical measures to fight malware. Praveen Dalal, the Delhi based advocate analyses the provisions of law in respect of such rights to be used in defence of a Cyber attack...Detailed Article
Cyber crime detection: A new window opens
It is well known that with the rise of computer and net usage, cyber crimes are also increasing. Though it is giving sleepless nights to law-enforcers, it is also opening a window of opportunity to some others..Report in News Today
e-Governance should address Cyber Law Education needs
It is understood that Rs 12,400 crores has been approved as the national e-Governance budget to be spent over the next 4 years. Many of the specialists have wondered what is being done with this sort of money. While the availability of funds is welcome, it is necessary for the Governments to apply this for the general good of the people.
Despite the enormous services being rendered by Cyber Law College in educating the public on Cyber Regulations, which are actually part of the responsibilities of the Governments as a part of the e-Governance plans, the experience of the undersigned has not been very encouraging when it comes to Government's participation in such programmes. There is neither any inclination to invest in Education nor assist other organizations who are already in similar programmes.
Cyber Law College has presently undertaken a Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement (KLAM) which involves publication of a book in local language, development of a website in local language, conducting educational workshops for High School students, College Teachers, Cyber Cafe owners and also workshops for Corporate executives and also setting up of an offline education center in Karnataka. Despite the uniqueness of the programme, the response from the Government side so far has been luke warm.
We hope that the recent sanction of the e-Governance budget would enable either the Ministry of Information Technology, GOI or the GOK to actively support this venture.
Cyber Law Awareness for Cyber Cafes
Cyber Law College/Naavi will be conducting awareness lectures exclusively for Cyber Cafe owners on Cyber Laws and their impact on the business of Cyber Cafe. The objective of the lecture is to build awareness of the laws and what measures are expected to be taken by the Cyber Cafe owners to avoid penalties.
Initially the lectures are proposed to be held at Bangalore and Chennai with free registration. Those who are interested may sign up the pre-registration form available here so that invitations will be sent to them for the next available lecture. The form can be downloaded, completed and e-mailed to naavi. Pre-Registration Form
Impact of File Sharing on Bollywood
One of the many issues raised by the growth of Internet is the impact of "File Sharing" as a technology on "Copyright Infringement". Jasper Vikas, an adcocate of Delhi High Court critically analyses the issues involved and examines the necessity to expand Information Technology Act 2000 to include "Contributory Infringement" and "Express exclusion of ISPs" from the liability arising out of Copyright infringement by the third parties....Detailed Article
Do We Need New Laws to Fight Credit Card Frauds?
The National Seminar on Credit Card Frauds held at Chennai on March 1st and 2nd by the Department of Criminology, University of Madras had experts from the Credit Card Industry as well as from Law, Police and Judiciary deliberate on the effective means of combating Credit Card frauds. Naavi talking on the Legal Framework for combating Credit Card Frauds highlighted that several provisions of the ITA-2000 can be used to effectively prosecute a Credit Card Fraudster or their accomplices and also claim damages.
A Copy of the Presentation made by Naavi in the seminar is available on request. A detailed article on the subject will be available shortly on this website.
Notices issued to Cyber Cafes
Notices have been issued to 531 Cyber Cafes in Bangalore for immediate compliance of Cyber Cafe regulations recently notified by the Karnataka Government. Failure may be punished with a fine of Rs 25000/-. The regulations mainly concern obtaining of a photo identity card of the visitors and the maintenance of the Visitor's register. Details in DH
CySi to Advocate Voluntary Cyber Law Compliance
Cyber Society of India (CySi) is advocating the need for Voluntary Cyber Law Compliance by the industry as a step towards Cyber Crime mitigation. In support of such activity, CySi is developing a Cyber Law Compliance audit initially for Cyber Cafes and Web Publishers as a standard service. Additionally similar services are being offered as customized solutions for the IT and Non IT Companies... Related news in deepika
720 pages of Comprehensive Coverage on Cyber Laws Naavi's "Cyber Laws in India..ITA-2000 and Beyond", first E-Book on Cyber Laws to be published in India consisting of 720 pages of comprehensive coverage on Cyber Laws and relevant issues, available for online purchase at RS 300/- in download form and at RS 400/- on CD. For more information click here. |
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