Webinar on Cyber Crimes
A unique seminar on the Web (Webinar) was conducted was organised by ITPF and was conducted by Naavi. Based on the resposne, ITPF has decided to jointly jointly conduct certificate courses like: certified ethical BPO professional, certified ethical IT professional and techno-legal information security professional with Cyber Law College. It has also been decided to conduct one day in-house workshops on “techno-legal information security compliance” would also be offered for interested enterprises. Report : Answers to some questions raised during the seminar
Replace Adventurism with Caution.. Naavi
Talking to press in Bangalore on the webinar organized by ITPF on Cyber Crimes on 29th, Naavi highlighted the risks in even simple things such as sending an joke or a picture through e-mail or SMS....rediff.com ET For webinar details and registration contact ITPF
ITPF Advocates steps to counter anti Orkut sentiments
ITPF (IT Professionals Forum) has had informal discussions with the IT secretary of Delhi and has decided to present a memorandum on cyber law awareness to the Union Minister regarding the recent complaints against Orkut. The memorandum is expected to suggest a framework on how netizens can be informed about what is acceptable and whats isn’t in a ‘cyber society’ .ITPF, which consists of 4,800 members across the country has undertaken several Cyber Law Awareness initiatives including conducting of webinars on Cyber Crimes. Report in BS : ITPF Website
Will Convergence Bill Resurface?
Recently, when there was a dispute on the Mahatma Gandhi Video, the I & B ministry asked TV channels not to show the offending video. It also requested the MCIT to take steps to get the video removed from the website. MCIT however sided with google and refused to take any step to remove the video. This was nothing but a snub on the I & B ministry. It appears that I& B ministry may now take its revenge by modifying the Broadcast Bill and will perhaps broaden its terms to make it more like the "Convergence Act" which was discussed in 2000 and 2001. This could mean I & B ministry trying to take control on some aspects which are today the domain of the MCIT. It is interesting to note that the ITAA 2006 is still pending in the Parliament and we may see some more changes even in this Bill to match the changes in the Broadcast Bill. Perhaps we may see overlapping legislations creating more confusion in the regulatory circles. Report in India Television.com
Women Are Fast Progressing... Even in Cyber Crimes
In an interesting piece of statistics published by Economic Times, it is stated that women in India are fast taking to Cyber Crimes. Latest statistics seem to suggest that almost 20% of such cyber crimes in India are committed by women, and the trend is on the rise. ET Article
Cyber Crime observers are aware that some time back, a middle aged, married woman in Coimbatore had made a "Bakra" of a software professional in Canada. There was also a lady who sent a threatening mail claiming herself as an LTTE representative and yet another who tried to frame her lover as a "terrorist" when he declined to marry her and yet another lecturer in a college who sent anonymous mails to her friend's brother to break up an alliance arranged for him. There was also a case in Bangalore where a lady software professional framed her boy colleague in a Section 67 case because he appeared to get a favourable posting. Cyber Sociologists must consider this an interesting phenomenon.
Madhya Pradesh Voices its Opposition to ITA 2000 Amendments
Naavi.org has been on the forefront of educating the public about the adverse impact of the proposed amendments to ITA-2000 ever since the "Expert Committee" report was publicized on August 29, 2005. However, the persistent misleading statements from the Government supported by media which gave more credit to the Government version than to the opinion industry observers suppressed all opposing views and let the draft pass through the Union Cabinet Committee. Fortunately, while the Bill is still to be taken up for passing, certain responsible circles have started voicing their protest. It is understood that some of the DGPs in different states have int he last few weeks written to the Central Government opposing some of the proposed amendments. Now it has been reported that the IT Minister of Madhya Pradesh has strongly opposed the dilution of the Act through the proposed amendments. Hopefully, other States would also take up a similar stand so that the amendments as proposed would be comprehensively reviewed. View of the Madhya Pradesh Government
A detailed analysis of the proposed amendments are available here : Comments on the Expert Committee Report is available here.
Reorienting Information Security Infrastructure
Risk Management in the context of corporate business is the art and science of identifying parameters that can have an adverse impact on the business and taking steps to reduce and ideally eliminate the losses that may arise out of the materialization of any of the risks.
At present most Information Security managers consider that IS boundaries lie in managing a good “Information Access Control” and implementing the best Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) complimented with Business Continuity Plan (BCP). The end-objective of this DRP-BCP approach to Information Security is that whenever Information security is breached, the lost information is restored in quick time without the continuity of business being disrupted.
This approach is being increasingly found to be inadequate as indicated by some of the recent security breach incidents.... More
Cutting Edge Qualification..Cyber Law.. Hindu 110607
Here is an article which appeared in Hindu today on Cyber Law Education and its prospects. Article
P.S: Kindly note that Naavi has shifted his HQ from Chennai to Bangalore and will only be available in Chennai on few days every fortnight. Check his engagements for more information on his availability at Chennai.
E-Governance and Digital Divide..June 09,07
Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation..KSRTC, a body of the Government has spurred the rural population to rush to Internet parlours by announcing that certain job applications can be made only through an online application and with e-mail IDs. This has also raised some murmurs about placing the rural applicants at a disadvantage since they may not have an easy access to e-mails and Internet. It must however be hailed as a bold and progressive move by KSRTC which will shake the rural population off their complacency and make them learn to live in a connected society. This can bring long term positive benefits to the society.
With laptop connectivity through data cards possible from anywhere in Karnataka where a mobile can reach, the problem of lack of connectivity can be easily bridged. However, we suggest that KSRTC itself can take the lead in providing a "Mobile Internet Service Parlour" where a person can travel in the bus to a village and stay for a couple of hours help interested persons obtain e-mail IDs, make online application to KSRTC or somebody else and if possible also provide services such as "making petitions to any department or minister" or obtain services which are normally provided in the "Bangalore one" kiosk.
If this can be achieved, it would bring a revolution in Karnataka Villages through E-Governance. I would welcome if any entrepreneur comes forward with a proposal to manage such a service and necessary guidance in making such proposal commercially viable and legally compliant can be provided.
(P.S: This suggestion is being forwarded to KSRTC and the e-Governance Secretary of Karnataka and we shall report responses received if any. Public may send in their comments if any to naavi@vsnl.com ...Naavi.)
Draft Content Code for Broadcasters under Broadcast bill Announced..June 09,07
The new draft content code released by the I & B Ministry for TV braodcasters have expectedly drawn protests from the industry. In view of some strong views expressed by the members, industry has been given time upto 15 June, to submit their proposals and amendments to the Code which will then be given a final shape by the ministry. It is proposed that the draft will also be put on the ministry website for one month for people to send in their suggestions, after which it will be given a final shape and implemented.
Report in TOI : Report in indiatelevision.com
WiTricity ..a technological breakthrough ..June 09,07
A technological breakthrough of far reaching consequence has been demonstrated in US through " Wireless Transmission of Electricity". This can free electronic devices from the restrictions imposed by limited battery power and make them work any where any time. Along with Wireless Connectivity, we may therefore see future laptops devoid of batteries and hard disks having access to data on the internet wherever electric power is available. The technology used for the transmission is "Magnetically coupled resonance". This is not expected to have any adverse effect on living beings since this technology interacts very weakly with most common materials including living creatures while achieving an effective energy transfer. Report in itwire.com
Unofficial Ban on Orkut in Mumbai
Continued intransigence of Orkut managers regarding the misuse of the site for defamation anti India propaganda etc has now taken an ugly turn in Mumbai with Cyber Cafes being targetted by Shivasainiks. It is reported that the Cyber Cafe's have been advised by the Police to discourage use of Orkut by their users. In otherwords, instead of tackling the issue by getting the ofending site blocked at the ISP level or getting the offending content removed, the Police have tried to take remedial step at the Cyber cafe level.
This reflects the inadequecy of the legal provisions to contain a rogue site like Orkut whose managers have a high level of influence in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. It may be recalled that the refusal by the MCIT to take action for removal of video clipping in youtube.com denigrating Mahatma Gandhi, recently prompted Digital Society of India to approach the High Court of Karnataka seeking directions to the Ministry for setting up a proper process for handing such objectionable content blocking requests.
Second Life and Legal Issues
The emergence of popular game sites such as secondlife.com which tries to simulate the real life scenario gives raise to several legal complications. Some time back, a case had been lodged in a real world court about a property dispute in the game zone. (Property bought and sold as part of the imaginary world in which the game is played). The main problem arises when the currency used for the game is made convertible into real world currency. This convertibility offers the link between the virtual and real world braking the barriers. The article referred to here under analyses this issue further.
The legal issues raised by seconlife.com has again come to the fore in the form of the legality of the casinos run in the virtual city in the light of laws regarding "Online gamliing". Is this an "Online gambling?" or " Is it a gambling in the virtual World?". Are both same? ..these are the issues which we need to ponder upon.
Obviously there can be differing views on this topic and unless the conversion of the virtual earnings into real world currency is either banned or controlled by an authority of the real world Government, the legal issues arising out of the simulated virtual life will continue to raise legal issues which are beyond the comprehension of the pure real world citizens. Earlier Article in Naavi.org
Related Article at findlaw.com , Article in mefeedia.com
Is this virus Microsoft Promoted?
An interesting virus has been observed recently. This virus which spreads through USB drives appear to have a unique liking for Microsoft products.
It does not want you to use Mozilla and insists that you should always use Internet Explorer. It also prevents you from using Youtube and Orkut which are products belonging to the Microsoft rival Google.
Is it just a coincidence that this virus writer is friendly to Microsoft and wants to protect it? or Is Microsoft behind the generation and distribution of this Virus?. Perhaps Microsoft needs to clarify. Details about the virus : More on removal: Spyware guide
Cyber Crime Laws Proposed to be tightened in USA
A bill to tighten Cyber Crime laws has been introduced in USA. The proposal aims at reducing the investigatory thresholds, and also mandates investments in training the law enforcement personnel. The Bill referred to as Cyber-Security Enhancement Act of 2007, proposes that prosecutors should pursue cases if the crime in question affected just ten or more victims in any one-year period.
Also offences such as online attacks that cause loss of life or damage to medical equipment or government computers and networks would be covered as Cyber Crimes. The bill would amend current cyber-crime penalties so that crooks would be forced to forfeit any profits from or property used in the commission of the crime. Most significantly, the proposal would beef up funding for cyber-crime investigations and training at the FBI, Secret Service and the U.S. Justice Department.There is a lesson in this to the Indian law makers who are diluting the ITA 2000 with the proposed amendments and there is no significant effort at the Government level to invest in training of the law enforcement personnel.
USA's ISPs to adopt Best Practices
USA' ISP association's document has suggested in its "best current practices" that Law Enforcement agencies are to be provided with a 24 hour assistance for investigation. This is a very progressive move which Indian ISPs should also follow. Accordingly, Law enforcement agencies can obtain communications data from an ISP without a warrant, including website, email and IP addresses. But to intercept the content of communications, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) requires police, customs and security services to obtain a warrant from the Secretary of State or in emergency situations a senior Home Office official, not a court. Copy of the document
PR Syndicate honours 'Cyber Law Guru of India', Na.Vijayashankar PR Syndicate, (an organization of Corporate PR Professionals in Chennai,) celebrated its First Anniversary on 20th January 2007 at Russian Cultural Centre. On the occassion, "Award of Excellence in Public Life" was presented to 'Cyber Law Guru of India' Na.Vijayashankar...More |
Naavi's latest book "Cyber Laws Demystified" was soft launched at the Nimhans Convention Center during the Indian Police Congress. The book is a comprehensive coverage on Cyber Laws both ITA-2000 as well as IPR and other issues. Structured into 24 chapters it also covers the proposed amendments to ITA-2000 in detail as an appendix. A copy of the Information Technology Act 2000 is also appended to the book. The book also has several individual chapters on the legal issues of Cyber Banking, Cyber Advertising, Cyber Taxation and Cyber Terrorism. The book is priced at Rs 750/-. For Enquiries and Bulk orders click here. : |
If you would like to know more about Naavi, the information is available here.
For Any Payments to be made to Naavi online : Naavi_s Payment Center