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 Match Reports
(Upto Group Matches)
The much awaited world cup is about to start. On  Friday, 14 th May  the defending champions Sri Lanka will meet the hosts England at Lords in the opening encounter. Will Sri Lanka open with Jayasuriya ? will he pinch hit? and how will  Gough  and Hick fare for England will be keenly watched. Come back here to find out who takes the early lead in the race to become the "Man of World Cup 99"
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17(a)
Day 17(b)
Day 18

For Reports on  Super Six Match days see here.

Day 1: M 1: England Vs Sri Lanka:
The opening match of the WC 99 started with the batting of Sri Lanka. The innings was dominated by Alan Mullaly the England bowler who picked up 4 wickets while Kaluwitharana scored a good 57 runs. Thorpe  and Stewart took three  catches each while Hick took two catches to pickup valuable fielding points. When England batted Stewart was the top scorer with 88 but with a low run rate of 0.60 against the team's 0.73. Hick on the otherhand scores 73 of 88 balls with a run rate of 0.83 and got valuable bonus points. After applying the weightages to both the batting and bowling points based on the opposition's bowling or batting strengths respectively the ratings of players was calculated. (For details of calculations see M1. For player ratings see England Player Ratings and Sri Lankan Player Ratings. In case you spot any calculation errors please keep me informed). The leader in the points table at the end of the first day was Graham Hick with 91 points followed by Stewert with 85, kaluwitharana with 81 and Mullaly with 77. Let us see how others catch up. The Ranking tables below will be completed after a few matches are over. Keep watching and if you have a comment contact me here.

Day 2: May 15: India Vs South Africa(M2) and Zimbabwe Vs Kenya(M3)

Day 2 of the world cup brought to view the remaining 4 teams of Group A. With this 66 players have been ranked on the basis of one match each. The lead at this stage was grabbed by India's Ganguly who scored 97 runs in 140 balls and took 1 wicket at an economy rate of 4 runs per over against the formidable South Africans.Kallis moved to joint third position while the Zimbabwe's Jhonson moved to a joint 5 th position. Keen observers of the rating methodology would appreciate that Jhonson's excellent show had to be discounted since it was against a weak opposition such as Kenya as compared to Ganguly's performance against SA. For details see the specific match (M2 nd M3) and team rating sheets of India, South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Day 3: may 16: Pakistan Vs West Indies and Australia Vs Scotland

Anonther 46 players including 2 substitute fielders joined the race for the top player of WC 99 today. The highest rating for the day belonged to Chanderpaul who cimbed to the second spot behind Ganguly.Azar Mehmood of Pakistan was the highest ranked Pak player for the day while Akram was close behind. The Australian match was a low scoring affair with a moderate performance from Australia against a lowly ranked Scotland.
For details see the specific match (M4 nd M5) and team rating sheets of Pakistan, West Indies, Australia and Scotland.

Day 4; May 17: New Zealand Vs Bangladesh

With the end of Day 4 all the twelve teams had one match each in the worldcup. Today New Zealand met Bangladesh and the match went true to form with Bangladesh losing the match to New Zealand. The performance didnot disturb the rankings since this was a low scoring match. Ganguly therefore continues to rule at the top followed by Chanderpaul. 
The match details are available at M6

Day 5: May 18: England Vs Kenya

Good performances from Gough and Hick marked a good win for England in the match. Hick moved to the top of the table again ahead of Ganguly. Will he maitain the lead for the rest of the round 2? Let us wait and see.

Day 6: May 19: India Vs Zimbabwe and South Africa Vs Sri Lanka

Zimbabwe produced an excellent performance to beat India today helped by a good performance from A. Flower who moved up into the top ten of the rankings.The South Africa - Sri Lanka match was also eventful with Lance Klusner turning out a masterly performance which took him right to the top of the rankings. Kallis also did well to retain the second spot while Muralitharan of Sri Lanka moved to the third position.

Day 7 May 20: Pakistan Vs Scotland  and Australia Vs New Zealand

The day brought to light Hamilton of Scotland who moved to the leading position with a total points tally of 191. Klusener was pushed to the second spot. Another major performance came from Roger Twose of New Zealand who moved into the 7 th position. There were 13 players in the century club with only one more match of the second round yet to be completed. Chanderpaul is still in the 11 th position and could move up if he does well in his match against Bangladesh. Surprisingly Lara, Warne, Steve Waugh, Bevan and of course Tendulkar are all well below their expected position at the top.

Day 8 May 21: Bangladesh Vs West Indies

Today was relatively a minor day with West Indies meeting Bangladesh. WI won the match but without much fanfare. Mehrab Hossain of Bangladesh did collect 61 good points but the table of rankings remained unaltered at the top. So at the end of the second round it was Hamilton of Sctland who had the honour of leading the table.

Day 9 : South Africa Vs England and Sri Lanka Vs Zimbabwe

Two important matches concluded today in Group A. Group leaders South Africa carved out another good victory over England while Sri Lanka kept its as well as India's hopes alive by winning against  Zimbabwe. Lance Klusener again came up with a good performance with the bat to jump back to the top of the table once again. He has established a big lead over Ganguly who is the nearest player with a match to go in the 3rd round. 
It is also interesting to observe who is at the bottom of the table. This unfortunate set is lead by Inzamam, Afridi and De Silva on whom great expectations were held by their respective countries.

Day 10: India Vs Kenya and Pakistan Vs Australia

It was an interesting day at the worldcup with Tendulkar scoring a blazing century which apart from being the 22nd in his ODI career was of great significance to himself and the team. In most of the other rating methodologies this effort would have been sufficient to take him to the top of the table.However the unique checks and balances that distiguishes our rating system has put up Wasim Akram at the top of the table even ahead of Lance Klusener after his efforts in the Australian match. As the third round is drawing to a close he is likely to remain in the top.Also notice that Moin Khan has climbed to the fourth spot . Tikolo is in the 14 th position despite being in a weaker team. Inzamam extricated himself from the bottom of the table leaving the dubious distinction to his compatriot Afridi.

Day 11: West Indies Vs New Zealand and Scotland Vs Bangladesh

With the last two matches of the round three completed today, Akram remained at the top eventhough Hamilton did challenge him with a good performance. Jacobs moved to the 4 th position with a good batting and wicket keeping performance to be the highest ranked West Indian at this stage. Moin Khan is close behind him pushing Kallis to the sixth position. The leader of the Ceat Ranking Rahul Dravid of India (incidentally my personal favourite) is in the 22nd position while the Ceat runner'up Tendulkar is in the 36 th position. Here in lies the difference between this Intelligent methodology and the others.

Watch out how  Lara and Tendulkar move from now on. And will Akram maintain his lead? Let us watch.

Day 12 : England Vs Zimbabwe

A good performance from the England bowlers saw England notch up a victory against Zimbabwe much to the relief of India. Mullaly moved up the rating to the 7 th position even though it is always better to look at positions as at the end of a round. Otherwise there were some minor adjustments with Mbwanga moving up to a respectable position.

It is interesting however to see where the captains stand at the end of the third round. Wasim Akram of Pakistan ofcourse is in the top position.  Stewert is in 17 th, Lara in 21 st position Steve Waugh is 35 th and Campbell is in 50 th position. Salmond of Scotland is in 62nd position while Asif karim of Kenya is in the 65 th position.Hansie occupies the 64 th rank,Ranatunga occupies 67 th place and Azaruddin 73 rd place. Amin ul Islam of bangladesh is in the 82 nd position.Stephen Fleming of New zealand is in the 94 th rank. All in all except for Wasim  and Stewert the performance of all captains is much below expectations. Hopefully they would pick up before it is too late.

Day 13 India Vs Sri Lanka and South Africa Vs Kenya

The 13 th day turned out to be the best day of the tournament for India which notched up a World record breaking win against Sri Lanka. Ganguly and Dravid turned out dream performances while Robin Singh gobbled up a century of rating points. In the second match Klusener had another good bowling day taking 5 Kenyan wickets. This gave him 64 points to put him on the top of the table with  a total of 317 points. Ganguli claimed 136 points from his match to move to the third position overall with 261 rating points just behind Akram who had 265 points. Dravid accumulated 106 points and is presently placed in the 5th position. The surprise intrusion in the 4 th position is Hamilton of Scotland. Robin Singh has now moved to a respectable 12 th ranking amongst the 180 players who are competing.
Some of my Indian friends are unhappy that inspite of two centuries by Dravid and a record breaking 183 from Ganguly, they are yet to be at the top of the table (like in the Ceat rankings). Unfortunately they are gathering only batting points while Klusener and Akram are grabbing points both with Batting and Bowling. We are after identifying the best "Player" and not the best "Batsman" and hence alrounders will have an advantage. 
Tomorrow Australia will have a go at Bangladesh to salvage some reputation. The position of Australia is the biggest upset of this tournament as there is a distinct possibility of its elimination. Who has been the cause of this embarassment?  Looking at the points table for Australia,
Fleming has been their best performer. Unfortunately Mc Grath and Warne have failed to do well as bowlers.The waugh brothers,Gilchrist and Bevan have also been disappointing. If Australia fail to qualify for the Super Six, the under performance of these  six players will be the reason. Can they pull up their socks in the remaining matches and reverse the trend? Let's watch.

Day 14 : West Indies Vs Scotland and Australia Vs Bangladesh

This was the day of awakening for the two Super Six contenders in Group B, West Indies and Australia. The matches were against weaker teams but the goal was to win with a good net run rate difference. In a way both teams succeded in their goals with West Indies doing slightly better. Australia has now gone past New Zealand in the net run rate and hope to qualify atleast as the third team. We cannot however ruleout New Zealand winning against Pakistan and surprising them Looking at the performance of the players on the day Tom Moody was arevelation for Australia. Hamilton continued to climb up and is now next to Klusener. Gilchrist also did a good job while Jacobs picked good fielding points. 
At the end of 4 matches each and before their crucial encounter the total Naavi points accumulated by the Indian team was 1380 against 1158 of England against the same opponents. This indicates a slight advantage for India on current form.
Similarly in the Group B, West Indies with 1136 points are ahead of Australia with 1011 points whm they meet in their crucial tie. Let' watch whether the favourites will be able to keep up to their current form. If not credit will be due to the opposing captains to have overcome the form-handicap.

Day 15: Pakistan Vs New Zealand:

It was the day of Inzamam for pakistan and Allot for New Zealand. With a good 73 of 61 balls Inzamam moved up the rankings into the 22 nd position. We may recall that two matches back he was at the rock bottom of the table. Allot has been consistent and with a Naavi rating point (NRP) of 200 is now in the 8 th ranking overall. Akram moved up by a place to thesecond position edging past Hamilton.Klusener and Akram are the only two players who have crossed 300 NRP in the first four matches.

Day 16: India Vs England and South Africa Vs Zimbabwe

It was an eventful day on which the India- England match was postponed due to rain and Zimbabwe caused the biggest upset of the tournament by beating South Africa comprehensively. Obviously the star of Zimbabwe was Neil Jhonson who turned out a grand alround performance which earned him a record 150 NPRs and pulled him to the third ranking overall below Klusener and Akram. Klusener widened the gap between him and Akram by a good batting display. He now has 385 NRPs to Akram's 302. Streak and Andy Flower also moved into the 9th and 10 th positions with their performances against South Africa.

Day 17 (a) India Vs England - contd

The day started with the completion of the previous day's India-England match in favour of India. The hero of the day was Ganguly who had already accumulated 33 batting points yesterday and continued his good work with a haul of another 50 bowling points. He took his total tally to 344 to move to the second place. Dravid added 41 more points to reach the sixth position. Jacobs however is likely to move up today due to his good showing in the match against Australia (which is now in progress). England has completed its engagements  with Darren Gough earned the highest points amongst the English players. His tally of 224 points has placed him in the 8 th position at present. Allan Mullaly with 210 points and Hick with 194 points  are in the next two positions. Hollioake who played three of the five matches was the lowest scorer in England with just one point to his credit.

Day 17 (b) Australia Vs West Indies and Sri Lanka Vs Kenya

On the penultimate day of the Group matches there was drama at the Australia-West Indies match bordering on match fixing in the full glare of the public. Reminescent of the Trevor Chappel's underarm bowling Steve waugh dragged on the match in a bid to shut New Zealand off the Super Six. Performance- wise Mc Grath was in form with a 5 wicket haul along with Muralitharan. Jacobs had a good day moving up in rankings to the fourth position. Thomos Odoyo of Kenya also moved into the top 10. Hamilton of Scotland from the teams that aremmoving out of the tournament will also have the honour of being in the Top-10 at the end of Group Matches. The rankings will be clear after tomorrow's matches. 

Day 18 : New Zealand Vs Scotland and Pakistan Vs Bangladesh

The 18 th and the last day of the Group matches produced two interesting matches. First New Zealand overcame Scotland defeating the evil designs of Australia. In the other match, Bangladesh carved out one of the most important victories for their country against Pakistan. This should give a lot of confidence to other Super Six teams. In terms of performances, Saqlain did well for Pakistan while Akram moved up marginally in the ratings but remained in the third position behind Klusener and Ganguly.  Blain did well for Scotland  while Hamilton continued his upward march and reached a respectable rating of 311 which placed him in the fourth position overall.
Allot of New Zealand moved into the 9 th position with a good performance against Scotland.
At the end of this round 90 of the 180 players will be retiring from the contest. We can therefore bid goodbye to Hamilton and Odoyo who were amongst the top 10 and would vacate their positions since their teams couldnot make into the Super Sixes.They have however proved that they are as good as players from other countries.

I thank all those who have sent  words of encouragement, queries and suggestions.Yes I intend continuing the rating even after the world cup as it appears to be giving satisfactory results.Please continue to keep posting your remarks.

(If you spot any calculation errors please keep me informed)

Team Wise Ratings
India Pakistan
England Australia
South Africa West Indies
Sri Lanka New Zealand
Zimbabwe Bangladesh
Kenya Scotland

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