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The basic objective of this site is to disseminate information and educate Netizens. We believe that the Internet is best used as an aggregation of information from various sources. We have therefore provided links to various sites that may be of interest to a section of the Netizens. All links added here reflect our belief that the linked material is useful to the community.

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The contents of the website are meant for the purpose of giving lead and general information to help the netizens  and may not be proper/accurate/correct to certain extent . The author of the said contents or the  owner of the website shall not be liable for any damages/compensation to any person for whatsoever reason.

In the event there are any disagreement with the views expressed here in, the concerned persons are requested to write to expressing there comments or rejoinders.

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We hereby give express notice to all that the name Naavi TM which is the essential part of the domain name, belongs to Na.Vijayashankar, the founder of this site. This right will also extend to all extensions and confusingly similar abbreviations and adaptations.

Any person or organization using the name in any manner in any of their websites will therefore be infringing on the rights of Na.Vijayashankar. Na. Vijayashankar however hereby provides an open license to such users to use the name provided they are members of the service of  and always provide the disclaimer generated by the service without any alteration or modification.

Editorial Policy

 It is clarified that has been providing its views on  various events of relevance to Cyber Laws and Cyber crime events  in good faith in pursuance of its objective of contributing towards "Building a Responsible Cyber Society". In this context, has been a journal working like an NGO. should therefore be considered as both an NGO working for the welfare of Netizens and also publication entitled to its privileges on freedom of expression.

In the course of its reporting, has to discuss Cyber Crime incidents that are reported from India and elsewhere. Readers will appreciate that while reporting on a Cyber Crime, there will always be two sides to the incident. The accused and the complainant obviously hold diametrically opposite views. Any expression supporting  one may therefore appear to be an expression against the other.

In this process, does not have any intention to criticize any person  except to the extent of pointing out what in our opinion would be omissions or mistakes. We trust that the  persons who may be referred in such a context  will take it as a constructive criticism from the independent observer and not construe it as a motivated criticism. 's commitment towards building a responsible Cyber Society is  adequately demonstrated  over the years through various causes for which it has stood out as reflected in these columns and there appears to be no reason to waver from this approach which is society oriented.

In case some one feels hurt by some stray comments in the media they are welcome to send their rejoinders and we shall be happy to publish the same. 

We object the culture of "Harassment of journalists through legal notices" followed by some and consider it unprofessional.  It may be recalled that has advocated  "Balancing expression of views" even in serious issues such as those which arose in the case of (Refer Respond? or React? An E-Governance Dilemma ). For much lesser issues such as an adverse news report , the said suggestion is more than a sufficient remedy. The rejoinder would eminently meet this requirement.

Moreover, persons serving defamation notices on publications should remember that the charge of defamation will stand only if the statement made by the journal is not true besides being defamatory. Further, if the statement under objection is on an action of the subject party and does not attack the person per-se, no defamation is recognized.  If the affected party knows that the statement made is  true or otherwise the defamation charge is untenable and a notice of defamation is still issued, it can be termed as an attempt to threaten and prevent a journalist from discharging  his legitimate duties and a cause of action may arise in reverse  against the person serving the notice.

Under the ITA 2008, would be considered as an "Intermediary" and Na.Vijayashankar is the designated compliance officer who can be reached for all grievances under the e-mail through digitally signed e-mails.

Naavi as a Consultant

We take this opportunity to also assure the readers that even in cases where Naavi  has a consultancy relationship such as what he generally has with the Police, the reporting of the said cases will not be affected by such relationship. So far, Naavi has been  refusing  to support  a party if it is felt that the cause of the party is not justified.  Naavi is not in the shoes of a lawyer who accepts the case to defend a person even if he is believed to be a criminal  because he thinks it is his duty to protect those who seek his help. Naavi as a consultant has the right to refuse a client if in his judgment the person does not deserve his help because he is on the wrong side of the law. Further, when Naavi gives a report either as an expert or a consultant, he is not obliged to give a report in favour of the  person appointing him. It is another fact that any report given to a client which does not support the client's views will get discarded by the client while any report supporting the client's view gets used as a subsequent reference. Naavi does not therefore control the fact that many of his reports which get circulated are reports in which the opinion supports the party which has used his consultancy services, be it the Police or a private party. Besides such reports there will be many other reports disagreeing with the client's views which get killed by the respective clients and don't see the light of the day.

If in the process of selection of the "Right Cause to Support", an element of pre judgment is involved based on the material then available to Naavi, it is considered unavoidable. If subsequently our judgment is proved wrong because new facts come to light, we are ready to accept in all humility that an error of judgment was made.

The above statements are made as a general expression of the policy guiding this site and will apply to  issues that has been discussed over the past several years this site has been in existence in different forms and to be discussed in future.

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