ITA 2008 Rules to be presented in the Parliament
The rules notified under ITA 2008 on April 11, 2011 have evoked many
comments and criticisms from Netizens, Companies, Media and others.
The set of four rules released were
Rule under Sec 43A- GSR 313(E)
Rule under Sec 79 for Intermediaries-GSR 314(E)
Rule under Sec 79 for Cyber Cafes-GSR 315(E)
Rule under Sec 6A -GSR 316 (E)
The notifications will now be placed in the
Parliament during the current session and amidst the Lokpal and 2G scam
discussions it is possible that the rules may go through without debate.
For the last few months, I have been drawing the
attention of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
(MCIT) on two specific issues namely the issue of removing sub rules
8(2), 8(3) and 8(4) in the notification regarding Section 43. I have
also been corresponding on the appointment of a Chairman for CAT.
On the Section 43 rules, I have been receiving some
response though I am yet to receive confirmation on the removal of the
sub rules as suggested. On the CAT issue there is complete silence.
I will be drawing the attention of some of the
Parliamentarians again through this article which will be individually
notified to some of the relevant Parliamentarians so that some action
can be taken in the Parliament.
Since most MPs are difficult to reach through
e-mails, I request the readers to forward a copy of this article which
will be available in PDF form for
download to MPs they know. If some body can reach it to all the MPs
I request them to do so.
Rules under Sec 79 (Intermediaries):
The proposed rules under Section 79 is the one which
has attracted the most of the media attention both in India and abroad.
There have been a couple of articles in the American Press as well. In
one of the recent such
articles in Washington Post it was stated that an official of the
MCIT has stated that the Government is willing to listen to dissenting
views and could consider changes.
Though the Ministry is normally stubborn and does not
relish changing its views, I hope this time it would be different since
the objection is not from Indian observers or Indian media but from
Washington Post. After all the Ministry must have different standards
for Indian views and foreign views. I am therefore tempted to post my
detailed views here with the hope that the MCIT has its eyes and ears
open, a heart to respond, a head to swallow its pride and hands to act
Section 79 of ITA 2008 is not a penal section under
the Act. Penalty under the Act would arise on any person or a body
corporate on account of other sections such as Sec 43, 43A, 65,66, 66A,
66B, 66C, 66D, 66E,66F,67, 67A, 67B, 69,69A, 69B, 70, 71, 72, 72A, 73,
74, 84B, 84 C etc. When an incident has occurred which can be brought
under any of these sections and the person who is accused is otherwise
an "Intermediary" as defined under the Act, then the provisions of
Section 79 apply to provide him an opportunity to escape liability. For
this purpose he needs to act in a manner which can be considered as
"Exercising Due Diligence" and the said rules try to define such
conditions as may be required to enable an "Intermediary" to escape
The intermediary which is given such privilege
includes telecom service providers, network service providers, internet
service providers, web hosting service providers, search engines, online
payment sites, online-auction sites, online market places and cyber
One of the aspects of due diligence that has
attracted the criticism from public is the sub rule 3 (4) which states
as follows:
"The intermediary, on whose computer system
the information is stored or hosted or published, upon obtaining
knowledge by itself or been brought to actual knowledge by an
affected person in writing or through email signed with
electronic signature about any such information as mentioned in
sub-rule (2) above, shall act within thirty six hours and where
applicable, work with user or owner of such information to disable
such information that is in contravention of sub-rule (2).
Further the intermediary shall preserve such information and
associated records for at least ninety days for investigation
Sub rule 3(2) referred to here states things such as
a) belongs to another person and to which the
user does not have any right to;
(b) is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous defamatory, obscene,
pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of
another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable,
disparaging, relating or encouraging
money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner
(c) harm minors in any way;
(d) infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary
(e) violates any law for the time being in force;
(f) deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such
messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive
or menacing in nature;
(g) impersonate another person;
One of the contentions is that the descriptions of
what not to do is too broad and leaves the scope for interpreting any
content under this sub section.
Further the prescription that the Intermediary has to
act within 36 hours of being brought to notice by the affected person
and possibly disable the information makes the rule draconian.
Though the Government will claim that there is no
"Compulsion" to remove the content and what is intended is only to
respond within 36 hours and such response may even be a counter e-mail
to the person responsible for the content to give his counter views it
is possible for threatening notices to be sent to Intermediaries by
advocates of the affected persons which can unnerve the business owners
of the Intermediaries.
We have plenty of examples in India where even Courts
have issued temporary injunctions on defamation suits without going into
the merits of the case or giving an opportunity to the counter party to
lodge his views. There are also cases where Courts not having
jurisdiction for the relevant complaint also issuing a blind gag order.
The MCIT in such cases has been found to have acted without a
responsibility of its own and without even clarifying or seeking
clarification from the Court issued implementation instructions based on
such "Court Orders". has provided information on such issues
earlier. There is the case of E2 Labs where the MCIT was duty bound to
implede and oppose the order of the Delhi High Court to block
but failed to do so. There is the case of CAT which has sat in judgment
of such defamation suits and issued temporary injunctions when its
jurisdiction was not clear. It is therefore considered that an
influential advocate can get a Court order for blocking a website on any
flimsy ground under the pretext of an interim order without the Court
being able to go into the merits of the complaint.
In view of this situation, leaving the rules under
Section 79 in its present form where not even a Court order is required
for blocking of a content is a definite blow to the democratic status of
India where "Freedom of Speech" is expected to be present.
It is acknowledged that would perhaps be
one of the targets of some persons affected by its views. There will be
many more public service "Intermediaries" who will be easily harassed
with notices if rule 79 in its present form is allowed to go through.
The Intermediaries (Remember that many of them could
be foreign agencies) are expected to report Cyber Security Incidents to
CERT-In as a rule. Such Security incident is not limited to some
specific content which is a subject of dispute. How does the Government
expect a foreign Intermediary to share its Cyber Security Incidents with
the Indian Government as a matter of routine (As opposed to any query in
respect of a lawful investigation of a crime) is beyond imagination.
Having such impractical rules is a recipe for the rules to be junked by
the community.
The only sensible portion of the law is that the
Intermediary shall appoint a "Grievance Officer" and introduce a
mechanism for grievance redressal. Posting if terms and conditions and
obtaining consent from the person who posts the content that he will
abide by that is also reasonable. The description of the offences under
Sec 79 should be limited to "Any contravention of the provisions of ITA
2008" rather than giving a list of offences as provided under rule 3(2).
The Cyber security incident reporting should be limited to specific
queries received from a law enforcement agency through a proper process.
As regards the responsibility for removing the
content the owner of an Intermediary cannot be made a judge on what
content is violative of the law. Hence on receipt of a digitally signed
e-mail from the affected person a decision cannot be taken by the
It is therefore proposed that the only action that
the Intermediary is required to take should be "To post the objection
raised by the affected person as a rejoinder to the earlier content". At
present most blogs provide for comments to be posted. This does not
require a digital signature. Some times the authors regulate the
comments and accept some and reject some. The Intermediary can only take
away the right of the person posting the content to reject a comment
placed by the affected person. In other words, the affected person can
place his views as a part of the comment which can be done
instantaneously in most cases. If the comments are disabled or moderated
and not posted within say 24 hours then the affected person can file a
complaint with the Grievance officer and he shall ensure that the
objections are posted prominently under the same article which may
contain the objectionable content.
If the "Intermediary" holds any sensitive personal
information, obligations regarding the same is already covered under the
rules under sec 43A and there is no need to repeat it under rules for
Sec 79.
Thus there is scope for a major simplification of the
rule under Section 79. I have been personally drafting Terms and
Conditions for Intermediaries and have always included the clause
regarding "Users not to violate any provisions of ITA 2008" and that "An
Ombudsman shall be appointed by the Intermediary".
Hence if the Government of India wants some specific
suggestion on how this notification should be revised and simplified, I
would be able to provide the necessary support.
Rules under Sec 79 (Cyber Cafes):
The proposed rules for Cyber Cafes suffer from the
fact that it is too complicated for the target community and has the
indirect effect of closing down the industry as we know it today. It is
also an incomplete rule requiring further rule making at the State
Government level. There is also an impression that this rule may
infringe on the powers of the State Government for law and order
maintenance in the State.
We must remember that a Cyber Cafe is also an
"Intermediary" hence the obligations under Section 79 and the rules
framed there in for "Intermediaries" already apply to Cyber Cafes. If
the Government thought it was necessary to have a separate set of rules
for Cyber Cafes, they should have first thought of removing "Cyber
Cafes" from the definition of "Intermediaries". Similarly the
notification under Section 6A [GSR 316(E)] defines the "Electronically
Enabled Kiosk" for which the rules under 6A is made applicable as "Cyber
Cafe as defined in ITA 2008".
The logic of this multiple legislatory onslaught on
the poor Cyber Cafe owner defies logic unless this is a move to reserve
the industry only for corporate Cyber Cafes.
It is necessary for us to appreciate that Cyber Cafes
have done yeoman service to the Country in popularizing Internet at a
time when Internet access was expensive. Now with Broadband connectivity
being available everywhere at affordable prices, Cyber Cafes have a
tough time to attract customers and have to device innovative service
offerings to retain their clientele. Most Cyber Cafes double up as
photocopy centers. In Tamil Nadu Cyber Cafes have been used for delivery
of E Government services. Most Cyber Cafes are managed by individuals
and provides a lively hood for them.
There is however a need for regulating Cyber Cafes
since they can be and are used by criminals for their activities. This
is mostly a "Law enforcement Issue" and hence regulation of Cyber Cafes
is primarily a responsibility of the Police. To the extent Cyber Cafes
operate in Cyber Space, the Central Government can take upon itself the
responsibility for regulation of the Cyber Cafes but the need of the
State Government to be the main instrument of regulation of Cyber Cafes
cannot be undermined.
In this context the Cyber Cafe regulation should have
been in the form of an "Advisory" and provided a "Template for State
Regulation" so that there would be uniform legislation across the
Instead the Government has opted for an independent
rule which infringes on the State subject and can be considered as
violative of the principles enshrined in the Constitution of India.
The second objectionable aspect of the rule is
that it is not complete without the formation of the State level "Cyber
Cafe Registration Agency" with an appropriate process for
registration, de-registration and monitoring.
In case the GOI wants to take up the responsibility
for Governing Cyber Cafes across the Country, it is open to them to
start a new Central Agency as proposed in the ESD Bill for E
Government Service Delivery and notify a complete rule including the
registration rule.
The third objection that can be raised on the Cyber
Cafe regulation is that it is too complicated for a normal cyber cafe.
The rule for maintaining a visiting register and noting down the ID card
details are reasonable. The rule regarding maintaining anti Virus and
desktop security systems is also reasonable.
It must however be remembered that if the Cyber Cafe
is required to maintain the personal information of the users they are
exposed to the responsibilities under Section 43A and 72. The rule does
not provide a work around for this.
The rules also mandate that "Cyber Cafe shall prepare
a monthly report of the log register showing date-wise details on the
usage of the computer resource and submit a hard and soft copy of the
same to the person or agency as directed by the registration
agency by 5th of the next month". (Log Register here refers to the
visitor's register).
If a monthly report is being submitted the need to
maintain the register for one year becomes redundant. However the rule
requires both.
Additionally the Cyber Cafe is required to capture
the "History of Websites visited" and "Logs of Proxy Server" and the
attention of the Cyber Cafe owner is drawn to the auditing and logging
process referred under CISG-2008-1 of the CERT IN. This requirement
clearly indicates that the persons who drafted the rule did not have any
idea of the profile of Cyber Cafe owners in India and whether they can
understand a document such as CISG-2008-1. It would be interesting for
the Cyber Cafe Association somewhere to organize a meeting of Cyber Cafe
owners and invite the official responsible for drafting this rule to
come and explain to them the document CISG-2008-1.
Rule 5(1) as well as 5(5) talk about maintaining the
log register for one year. It appears one was meant for the Visitor's
register and the other for the log of records under rule 5(4) including
the History of websites and system log records.
Again the department appears to have not taken into
account what is the volume of such information that would be developed
or the costs involved if these records are to be stored for one year
with an appropriate back up and reasonable security.
The department failed to see any alternatives for
such a measure which imposes too much of a burden on the Cyber Cafe and
is likely to be simply ignored.
The biggest beneficiary of this suggestion is
creation of an opportunity for the Cyber Cafe Inspector to collect a
regular charge from every Cyber Cafe under his jurisdiction to look the
other way. Perhaps a "Strong Lok Pal" will be required to ensure that
the rule does not become an instrument of harassment for the Cyber Cafe
The most appropriate option for the Government is
therefore to withdraw this notification completely and constitute a
committee of three or four state IT Secretaries and request them to
draft a model Cyber Cafe regulation for the States. Naavi has already
placed more comprehensive suggestions for drafting a Cyber Cafe
regulations copies of which are available with MCIT and also the
Karnataka State Government. If required the draft regulation can once
again be sent to the proposed committee of IT Secretaries for their
I presume that this rule can be challenged in a Court
of Law for being unreasonable and infringing on the State's powers.
Rules under Sec 43A (Reasonable Security
The rule which has really shaken up the Indian
Corporate sector is the rule under Section 43A which defines "Sensitive
Personal Information" and "Reasonable Security Practices".
Under Section 43A, any Body Corporate (any person
other than an individual) handling "Sensitive Personal Information" is
required to adopt "Reasonable Security Practices" to avoid liabilities
under the section. The liabilities may arise when a person whose
sensitive personal data is not adequately protected can claim
compensation for a "Wrongful harm".
Part of the rule is devoted to reproducing the well
known principles of Privacy such as Minimum Collection, Purposeful
Collection, default Opt-Out facility, appropriate disclosure to the data
subject, need to know disclosure within the organization, destruction
after requirement is complete etc.
The "Sensitive Personal Information" is defined to
include Password, financial information, health information, sexual
orientation, biometric information etc.
The biggest controversy regarding Section 43A
notification arises out of Rule 8 on "Sensitive Personal
Information". Naavi has been corresponding with the MCIT over the last
three months to convince them that the rules give a wrong impression to
the public that
a) ISO 27001 audit is mandatory for compliance of
Section 43A and has to be renewed once a year.
b) Companies who have already completed ISO 27001
audit are not required to do any thing else at present to comply
with Section 43A
Naavi has objected to the provisions of Sub rule
8(2), 8(3) and 8(4) and demanded that they be dropped. He has alleged
that the rules has been written in such a manner as to make it appear
that ISO 27001 mandatory and this is neither desirable nor legal. He has
pointed out that such a rule results in the following
a) One cannot fully understand the provisions of
the rules under Sec 43 A (a law of the land in other words) without
purchasing a copy of the specifications of ISO 27001 which costs Rs
7000/- to be paid in foreign exchange to a foreign body. If 120
crore Indians need to know the law of the land all of them have to
incur this expenditure compulsorily. The financial benefit
transferred to the foreign agency is of the order of the value of
the 2G scam and amounts to a "Tax" on the community.
b) It is inappropriate for the Government of
India to include in its statutory law a certification that "If you
are ISO 27001 certified you are compliant with Indian Law". This
provides a commercial advantage to ISO 27001 organization and its
implementing agencies and passes on financial benefits. The
estimated benefit to the ISO 27001 community in getting ISO 2701
audits conducted each year may amount to Rs 3 lakh per company for
an estimated 10 lakh companies (Rs 30,000 crores per annum)
c) ISO 27001 audits donot cover ITA 2008 audit as
a default and hence all companies who are presently certified for
ISO 27001 or may be certified in future cannot be considered as
being compliant with section 43A of ITA 2008. Hence sub rule
8(4) will turn out to be a controversy.
Naavi has queried with MCIT on the ISO 27001 issue
and has been informed as follows by Mr Prafulla Kumar, Director, MCIT
dated 11th July 2011.

Department says that any Body Corporate can chose any
other framework if it desires. However since any other framework
requires an approval from the department through a Gazette notification,
it would be as good as notifying another rule under Section 43A.
Hence one can presume that the department wants the
public to think that ISO 27001 is the only security framework that can
be used. If the department does not want this misconception, then it is
necessary for MCIT to remove the sub rules 8(2), 8(3) and 8(4).
Rules under Sec 6A:
For some time before April 11, 2011, the e-Governance
department of MCIT was in the process of drafting the E Services
Delivery Bill (ESD Bill). The release of the rules under Section 6A
addressed the same issues that ESD Bill tried to address. The latest
draft of ESD Bill has now deleted many of the overlapping provisions and
focused only on making delivery of E Governance service mandatory
(Overriding Section 9 of ITA 2008) and developing an administrative
infrastructure for management of delivery of electronic services. It was
strange that two departments of the same Ministry were trying to pass
legislation on the same matter.
It is preferable that MCIT resolves the differences
between the e-Governance department and the Cyber Law department before
the rules under Section 6A is pushed through the Parliament.
Afterwards ESD Bill can be further modified to incorporate any issue
which is presently addressed by rules under Section 6A and not addressed
by ESD Bill.
In summary therefore it is recommended that rules
under Sec 79 for Cyber Cafes and Rules under Section 6A may be withdrawn
and Rules under Section 43A and 79 (Intermediaries) are modified as
The Issue of Appointment of CAT Chairman:
The issue of appointment of CAT Chairman is another
issue that the undersigned has been pursuing for quite some time. By not
appointing either a replacement for the retiring Chairman nor giving an
extension to the current Chairman, the MCIT has ensured that all the
work in CAT has come to a standstill and victims who were hoping for
judgments after prolonged agony of pursuing the cases are now left to
wait for Mr Kapil Sibal to get some time to look into this file amidst
attending to 2G scam and Lokpal Bill requirements.
It is also possible that just like the CAT Chairman
retiring before delivering the judgments, Mr Kapil Sibal may demit
office before filling up the vacancy in CAT and leave the decision to a
future Minister. If any midterm elections are announced, then every one
would be busy in the election work and the appointment of CAT Chairman
will get delayed until the next Government is in place. In
case the Government has any semblance of sympathy on the hapless victims
of Cyber Crime who are reeling under the injustice of delay in the
dispute resolution it is necessary for the Government to take a quick
decision in this matter immediately.
July 15, 2011
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