Let's Build a Responsible Cyber Society

Open Letter to All Professionals

Dear Friends,

Nasscom has issued a press statement welcoming the proposed amendments to ITA-2000.

Most of the media members suggest that the proposed amendments strengthen the existing laws etc.

But what is the true picture? What do the professional members feel?

Does removal of Section 80 strengthen the laws?
Does including "Fraudulently", "Dishonestly" and "Without Permission" to Section 66 and reducing the imprison terms from three years to one and two years strengthen the laws?
Does including " Network service provider shall not be liable under any laws".."except when he has conspired or abetted".. strengthen the laws?

Does adding "..with intent to cause" in Section 72 strengthen the laws?

Does providing for compounding of offences by the executive even when the matter is pending in the court.. strengthening the laws?

Well, the government may think that they can fool the common people with false press releases. But it is disappointing that Nasscom should abandon its professionalism and act against the interest of its own members.

Hopefully professionals will see through the game and clarify to the public the real nature of the amendments and whether it is beneficial to the digital society or not.

I would welcome the professionals in the group to express their views whether it is palatable to GOI/Nasscom or not.


(P.S: The above comments are based on the amendments that were suggested by the expert committee which is reported to have been more or less fully endorsed by the cabinet committee.)

Send Your Views here


October 18, 2006