Let's Build a Responsible Cyber Society

A Positive List of BPO Employees


(This is the third part of the three part discussion on the National BPO  Employee's Register)

Continuing our discussions on the proposed "national BPO Employee's Register", Naavi.org  presents a suggestion for the consideration of the industry and also offers to start a pilot project in this regard. The implementation aspect of this suggestion is presently within the limitations within which Naavi works. However, Naavi invites Nasscom and major IT players in India as well as any Government agency to take up the project for development on a larger scale.

Keeping the HR angle of the proposed BPO registry,

1. It is necessary that employees should appreciate the need to enroll themselves in the registry. There should therefore be a "Perceived Advantage" for them in the enrollment.

2. It is necessary for the employees not to have any apprehension that the information is misused against their own interests. While they would be reasonable to appreciate that the registry will be meaningless if it is only a "Resume Archive",  placement of any adverse information without an appropriate contextual disclaimer is a clear "No No".

Naavi has therefore proposed to maintain a system which addresses the need for certain BPO employee register which is a "Positive List" of employees who are "Preferred for Employment" rather than a "Negative List". Non inclusion in the list need not necessarily be a "negative" aspect in employment.

Naavi's scheme combines "Employee Training" with the enrollment in the registry so that a registrant does possess some additional positive element of value to the employment. He may therefore be willing to bear the cost of the system willingly and not with any grudge.

Naavi's Scheme also addresses another important HR strategy of "Getting a Moral Commitment" from the employee for a certain type f "Preferred Behaviour" and instills a "Pride in such a commitment". I accept that such commitments can be broken and will be broken by a large number of persons. But yet, it does prick the conciousness of any human being when he has given a commitment and breaks it.

The suggested scheme is as follows:

1. Cyber Evidence Archival Center (www.ceac.in) will maintain two registers namely "Register of Ethical BPO Employees in India" and "Register of Ethical BPO Employees in India (Provisional).

a) Register of Ethical BPO Employees in India will be open for existing employees in the BPO industry.

b) Register of Ethical Register of BPO Employees (Provisional) will be open for aspiring employees. They will be shifted to the first register on securing an employment.

2. Enrollment in the registry will be open only for those who undergo an induction training in "Cyber Ethics".

a) The training will be conducted in house for existing employees of a BPO and as an independent programme for others.

b) The trainees will undergo an exit test

c) Successful trainees will be asked to execute an "Ethical Declaration.

d) Successful trainees executing the ethical declaration will be given a certificate and enrolled in the corresponding register.

3. An appropriate fees may be prescribed for the first enrolment which includes training and any subsequent modifications.

4. Employers will be provided a "Query" service based on a fee.

5. Employers may record any comment on the employee with the registry. After obtaining an explanation from the employee, the registrar at his discretion will decide if the comment has to be entered in the register.

6.Registry may remove any entry or retain it with comments based on its assessment of the case and its decision in this regard will be final.

7. The training and certification will be provided by Cyber Law College through its authorized trainees.

This scheme is proposed to be implemented across India. Hopefully it will receive support from the HR community so that a fair trail can be given to the scheme.

If Nasscom is willing to take the responsibility for running such a programme, Naavi will be happy to provide any assistance required in this regard. Considering the enormity of the task on hand, it is proposed that Nasscom should take the lead in setting up a Security BPO for BPOs with the participation of the industry players to address the security and image problems of Indian BPOs.

(Comments welcome)


July 3, 2005

Related response and comment

Related Article/Information:

National E-Employment Exchange Project

No Negative List Please...Let's Be Positive !!

BPO For BPOs.. A vision document

Ethical BPO Training

Ethical BPO Training (Provisional)

For Structured Online Courses in Cyber laws, Visit Cyber Law College.com


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