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What is an "Adult Pass"?


[P.S: I had made a reference to "Adult Pass" as one of the suggestions to regulation of por.nography in my previous article. Some have sent me a request to elaborate on the same. Hence this article.]

Por.nography is an evil of the times in which we live in. It cannot be ignored that many consider it as acceptable and even desirable. However, there is also a significant number of people including the undersigned who hold the conservative view that Por.nography is detrimental to the society.

It has therefore become necessary to find a way to "Regulate" porn.ography in a  manner that both schools of thought are satisfied.

In a way just like "Terrorism" is a reality with which we should learn to live with, Por.nography is a reality with which our society may have to learn to live with.

In this connection, I made two suggestions in my previous article Should We Legalize Porn?.. which I elaborate here for more clarity.

Accepting that it is not possible to eliminate "porn.ography" from the Internet, the first suggestion is to create an exclusive zone for "porn.ography content" through an exclusive domain name. In the Indian context, I suggest that the domain name can have an extension .xxx.in. Registration can be thrown open worldwide and registrars can make enormous money.

Simultaneously, law against such objectionable stuff in the regular internet zone which we may call as the sanitized zone may be made stricter. Any posting of objectionable content outside the exclusive zone should be punished severely.

Also all ISP s in India should incorporate filters which prohibit automatic entry into the .xxx.in zone which we may call the "Adult Zone". Entry to this zone should be made available only with a digital certificate which acts as the "Adult Pass".

"Adult Pass" will be a new category of digital certificates which will incorporate the "Age" of the certificate holder after due verification.

The next question we need to address is if this "Adult Pass" should be only an "Age Certification" or should it be a regular digital certificate that can be used for contractual requirements. I recommend that the certificate should be one which can be used for all contractual dealings. The reasons for this suggestion are two fole.

1. The user will need to have only one certificate whether he wants to use it for contractual identity and transactions or for entry into the adult zone. There is no need for dual certificates.

2. If the certificates are separated, then there will be an abuse of the system with adult passes being sold to minors for a price. If the pass also entitles the holder to create obligations for the digital certificate holder, then no person will be bold enough to lend his digital certificate to another for being used as an adult pass.

Again, such adult passes can be a business in India and also abroad since after such a system is introduced in India, we may shut off the entire adult stuff through ISP level filters. (The debate on whether this is technically feasible may be continued elsewhere.)

I hope that a discussion on legalizing por.n, or strengthening the anti obscenity laws in India should be taken up along with the above suggestions for "Regulations" as a mid path.


July 13, 2005

(Comments welcome)

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Should We Legalize Porn?... Naavi.org

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