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What Happened to CRAC?

The constitution of the New Expert Committee to make an "In-depth review" of ITA-2000 raises an important issue of what happened to the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee (CRAC).

In case an "In depth Review" is really intended, then there is a possibility of major changes in the Act. In this context, the constitution of the Committee with the kind of representation that it envisages is likely to be considered Ultra-Vires the Act.

According to Section 88 of the ITA-2000, it is mandatory for the Government to take the advise of the CRAC which has representations from various stake holders including the industry for any major revisions to be made to the Act.

It is to be noted that CRAC had a representation from the Home Ministry and Law Ministry as well as the States, Law Enforcement and the Controller of Certifying Authorities. These bodies are now not represented in the committee.

Though the professionals in the group may do a good work, the committee is in the danger of being considered as  a "Lobby of Industrial Interests"  and its recommendations may come in for needless opposition when the CRAC sits in review of the suggestions. 

It may be recalled that the initial legislation for Cyber Laws were initiated under the banner of E-Commerce Act 1998 drafted by the Commerce Ministry of the GOI. However, when the Ministry of Information Technology took over, many of the good provisions of the earlier draft were modified. Subsequently when the draft of the Ministry of Information Technology was scrutinized by the Law Ministry, further changes were made. It was due to such tinkering by multiple agencies at different times of development that ITA-2000 got corrupted and was some times ridiculed. This sequential review of the draft is likely to create ego problems that reflect in unwarranted changes and corruption of the draft. It is better from the point of view of acceptability for all stake holders to sit together and have their say before the draft is finalized.

It is hoped that the Expert Committee does not suffer the same fate as the Draft of E-Commerce Act 1998 suffered before it became ITA-2000.

During the last year or so, the Ministry had initiated several exercises on the revision of ITA-2000 and it would be interesting to see how this industry led committee would respond to the task.

It is also interesting that the present committee does not include Mr T.K.Vishwanathan one of the architects of the original Act and other specialists who were earlier involved in the process. Perhaps this is done deliberately to avoid any hangover of the earlier draft and we may therefore expect an attempt at a wholesale review of the Act.

However the time of 6 weeks given for the committee is too short for a major review given the fact that most of the committee members except Mr Chakravarthy may not be fully conversant with the multi dimensional problems that may surface. Under the circumstance, if an in-depth review could lead to tinkering with the already confused legislation  making it even more contradictory.

On the other hand the short time span given may lead to only some peripheral touches just to protect E-Commerce sites such as Bazee.com. Rediff.com, Sify.com etc from being held responsible for the Cyber Crimes. This could therefore turn out to be a very "Portal Friendly Legislation".

We shall deliberate on some of the changes that could come about in our next article..A Portal Friendly Legislation in the Offing?


January 8, 2005

Related Articles:

Please refer to List of Articles for the past coverage on the subject at Naavi.org

Latest Version of ITA-2000 is Available here:

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