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Cyber Law Related Risk Management

Just as Bazee.com episode struck a warning note to Web publishers on the risks of Non observance of "Due Diligence" as per ITA-2000, the Citibank-Mphasis fraud in Pune has struck a note of warning amongst IT and BPO Companies.

For records, it may be stated that "Frauds" are an inevitable part of any financial services business and bigger the institution, more is the probability of the fraud. This is not also the first time when employees conspire to commit a fraud and the employer has to bear the risk of loss either as a matter of business prudence or as a legal liability or simply as a PR exigency.

Citbank and Mphasis would therefore consider this incident as an inevitable business risk and will continue their respective business absorbing the financial and reputational loss they might have suffered in the process.

However, it is necessary to observe that the incident has become yet another stick to beat the Indian BPO industry and critics are already at work abroad predicting that this is the beginning of the fall of the Indian BPO industry. A recent article in an international website of reputation and the intense debate occurring on various internet forums have unfairly been critical of the Indian laws, Indian judiciary, Indian Police, Nasscom and also the Indian BPO industry. The summary of these discussions appear to be an attempt toe create an impression that  India is not a reliable BPO partner.

It is suggested that this threat to the Indian BPO industry should not be taken lightly and suitable efforts are made by various organizations including Nasscom to put the problem in the right perspective. ..

"Frauds are inevitable in business. Fraud risk  is a business risk which cannot be wished away and needs to be managed."

At the same time it is also necessary to recognize that Indian IT  and BPO industry has to initiate some steps to reassure its international clientele that we are capable of learning from our past mistakes and making the system more robust than it was earlier.

In this context it is necessary for our industry to recognize that if an organization has 10,000 employees, they represent 10,000 "Potential Risk Points". This is not to say that every employee is to be suspected for his loyalty. But  if statistics indicate that more than 60 % of Cyber Crimes are employee related crimes and many of them affect the organization seriously, then no management can afford to ignore this risk.

The HR managers therefore have a challenge on their hands to fight the possible involvement in cyber crimes of a few of the tens of thousands of employees they recruit  with a need to keep all of them motivated for better performance. Security professionals will often take an extreme view of things which needs to be balanced with the need for keeping up the employee morale.

It is therefore necessary to develop a sensible "Techno Legal Cyber Security Plan" for an organization which provides adequate protection to the organization from the liabilities arising from the misconduct of their employees (and ex-employees) without adversely affecting the morale of the staff.

The CyLawCom programme suggested by the undersigned and implemented through Cyber Law College and Cyber Society of India is a step in this direction and aims at developing achievable standards of Techno Legal Cyber Security practices that mitigate the risks associated with non compliance of Cyber Laws.

Hopefully the IT and BPO industry will understand the urgent need for reviewing their systems, practices and manpower resources to take such CyLawCom measures as may be necessary for their organizations. (For more details on CyLawCom audit and certification, refer www.cylawcom.org)


April,13, 2005

Related Articles:

The Strength of Indian Cyber Laws

Changing Profile of Cyber Crimes

Critical Review of the Incident in technewsworld.com

For Structured Online Courses in Cyber laws, Visit Cyber Law College.com


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