Please Do not Play around with Digital Identities



I would like to draw the attention of public to the silent war between ISPs that is hurting the Internet consumers in India.

In order to understand the issue involved, let's take the following two hypothetical examples:

Example 1:

You are a "Shah" and have been living at some address for some time. Some how you feel necessary to change your house and occupy some other house on rent. Things are smooth for some time.  One fine day you realize that no visitors are coming to your house. When you check, you find that the name board in front of your house has been changed and the name of the occupant is shown as some body other than you. On investigation, you find that your house owner has changed the name and when you query, you are told that any person who occupies his house has to be only a "Mehta".

Now the choice is before you.. either change your name to Mehta or quit the house.

This is what Dishnet is asking its customers to do, by unilaterally barring use of their SMTP server for any out going mails sent from an e-mail client such as out look express where the e-mail Id is anything other than

Example 2:

You have been a customer of  State Bank of India for a long time where you have large deposits. You have recently taken a loan from ICICI Bank for which you are paying out  monthly instalments by cheque on ICICI Bank.  Every month you transfer the required money from SBI to ICICI Bank to meet the loan  cheques. One fine day SBI calls you up and says, you are not allowed to transfer money from our bank to ICICI Bank,

Now the choice is before you...either transfer the deposit to ICICI Bank or pay up the loan in advance.

This is what VSNL has been asking its customers to do by shutting of their SMTP server for all those clients who log in to Internet using any access account other than VSNL account.

This mutual blocking of SMTP servers for clients who have multiple access accounts is ostensibly to prevent misuse of the SMTP server for spamming.

In the process both ISP s are playing around with the "Digital Identities" of Netizens forcing them to change the identities in tune with the access accounts.

Unfortunately, even the techno savvy people  at the  ISP level seem to be blissfully ignorant of the responsibilities cast on them by the digital society.

With the increased usage of Internet by the public and the emphasis on E-Governance both at the Corporate level and the Political Governance level, "Connectivity" and "Digital Identity" have become serious issues with legal implications.

It is an unfair business practice to link the e-mail ID with the access accounts. This is nothing different from Microsoft integrating the Internet Explorer with the operating software for which it is faced the Anti Trust suit in USA. has already highlighted in the past the need for better uptime of connectivity and guaranteed band width. We have also highlighted the need for "Evidence Preservation" at ISP s for a reasonable time. We have also highlighted the impropriety of "Bouncing of E-mails" without a proper notice mechanism. 

Some time back we had brought to the notice of the public that Dish Net  was delaying delivery of out going e-mails by more than 24 hours because of some strange virus filtering they were subjecting the out going mails. The technical problems if there were any were not brought to the notice of the users so that the users were under the impression that the e-mails had been delivered in time.

The present action of  Dishnet to have reconfigured their mail system without notice resulting in the vanishing of e-mails is grossly unfair and has resulted in substantial financial loss to all those who have been depending on e-mails for their business.

Is this Ignorance? .. Is this Negligence? or Is this Arrogance?.. only the CEO of Dishnet should explain.

At the same time, VSNL should also realize that their action in forcing  their existing customers to use their competitor's e-mail services is a potential marketing opportunity lost for promoting their brand name.

It is high time that the Ministry of Information Technology takes a fresh look at the licensing terms of the ISP s and ensure  mutual sharing of SMTP resources between ISP s. Any misuse of SMTP services by any client of one of the ISP s can always be punished by a mutual agreement between them since the identities are known.

Failing action from the Ministry of Information Technology, the Consumer action group should initiate action to prevent the forced linking of digital identification (e-mail ID s) to "Internet Access Contracts".


March 18, 2002




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